You will feel the magic around you right after you will have touched the talisman. You’ll be “in”. Signs will start popping up…the urges to call, songs, and all kinds of things you’ll just know they are signs telling you what is going on or what you should do. LISTEN TO THEM!ACT ON THEM! The spell sets the path and you have to ACT!

If you act harshly or in a wrong way, the spell will fail…keep in mind, you have to be loving if you want the results, loving and not full of resentment and pain spilling it on your loved one. Be careful, do things right, act after signs, wish right things, love, and …wait. If you do things correctly, NO WAY your wish won’t be granted! It WILL come true, just be patient and wait with love in your heart.

Head up!

*apolonia*, Europe