To all you people out there who are hurting. You are not alone !!!! Please understand that it makes you unique in a sense that you are individuals who can and do feel very deeply. Many people don’t. Many people cannot go to such depth of emotions, because they are not as evolved ! You have to learn and understand this, that not everybody has the capacity to feel such depth of emotions, and maybe that gives you some comfort to not take it quite as personal. If you come from a viewpoint of compassion, because you understand that they are simply not as evolved, and as ready to confront their emotions as much as you are …. then maybe it lessens the pain a bit. You have to keep visualizing things positively, and send them positive compassion, and not fault them. Have the image in your mind that you want to see, and feel the joy that results from it as if it were real now ! Then you are on a path toward healing the situation for yourself and for them ! This is what magic is, this is what Aisha is helping us with ! Stay strong, and know that if that particular person is not able to jump above their level of evolvement, to work things out with you, who loves them so much, … then your positive images in your mind will eventually draw that person into your life. I know it is not always easy to do that, when you are in a space where you are lonely and unable to connect with someone else because your heart is with one person ! Just know that you are being tested to send unconditional love ! Try not to judge ! Send them in your mind unconditional love, … and let Aisha assist you in your own believe with it. That can get you through your loneliest moments, and feel the joy of envisioning the situation as healed. If they do come back into your life, … don’t confront them with your hurt emotions, just show yourself as strong, loving and kind, and your love will continue to blossom. If not, you will draw the right person into your life, and you may never give up on that idea. Never ever do give up on it, even though you might feel like it at times. But you don’t have to give up on that person, …. you might just be in this situation because you are more evolved and have to provide a level of growth for the other person. Only evolved souls choose such difficult paths for themselves ! Please know that this is what magic is all about, it sets the path for the right course of action … and there is nothing wrong with feeling despair at times, when you don’t see anything happen right now the way you seek it. BUT ….. it will happen in its own good time , when all the necessary elements are aligned ! Believe in it, … and in the meantime,. do things that make you feel good about yourselves and look good. If the person you love so much is not returning your love right now, it does not necessarily meant hat he does not love you, but he might not be at a space in his own evolvement to return that love the way you need it. Aisha can help on that. But you must nut suffer entirely throughout all this time, because then you make it all worse, because you send out the energy of hurt and pain, … and if he/she DOES come back into your life, … you are not ready to receive the love, because you are too hurt by the past. That does not mean that you should accept abuse and emotional cruelty. Remove yourself, and send out compassion and love, and you can work with Aisha to set the energy right ! She has done wonders with/for me with a PCR and turned a situation around that seemed hopeless, …. but sometimes situations are tough, … and one’s own energy might contribute to bringing it down again. I am working with Aisha again … but I know I have my own part to contribute. You need to contribute with your own positive thoughts ! Love to you all and know you are not alone in a space where you feel encumbered by pain and sadness, but you CAN turn it around ! Blessings !

Shine with Love

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