Dear Everyone:

I wanted to share my story and give support and encouragement to all the sweet people out there who are in a similar predicament as me.

Ms. Aisha is a wonderful, kind, generous and powerful person, and truly a gift from God! She and her daughter Miriam have been very kind and patient with me, and always answer my emails and give me the support I need to continue holding on.

I can not tell you about my story or spell yet, since it is still not completely resolved, and still unfolding. I just want to say, please don’t give up hope and keep positive, things will get better, and you will get your heart’s true desire. My case is extremely tough, and I have had to have several spells done, but they are working!

Ms. Aisha, is always there for me and for you. She is one of God’s workers, here to help us, and for that, we are all very thankful! God Bless Ms. Aisha and her family and all you kind souls out there, sharing your positive energy with us. I hope and pray all of us get our loved ones back soon! AMEN!

L., CA