Aisha I apologize for not writing this sooner, with most things in life when things are good you cruise along but when things are bad you search and ask for help. And help is what I asked from you when I met someone who was not ready to commit to a relationship with me.

The power of your work was amazing and I remember thanking you and the universe when I saw the results happen almost immediately. Everything happened so fast, litterally within a week.

One day I was hearing that he was not sure, not ready to commit, was not looking etc to calling me and admitting he had feelings for me and our relationship started. That was almost three years ago.

First and foremost, a big thank you. You are a blessing to me and I feel so honored you are in my life and I have someone so talented to help me.

Secondly, To anyone who is suffering out there, Aisha is the real deal. Her work has been proven to help many many people including myself. Read the testimonals, they are real not fake (who would take the time to type so many) I am not someone who has idle time, I run two sucessful companies of my own and fly all over the world so I have a pretty good idea of what is authentic or not.

Aisha, I know you will be working on another problem for me, I am happy to be a repeat customer and look forward to your ever positive results.

With affection.

Hong Kong