In early June I requested an Isis Love Spell. I didn’t know what to expect but to my surprise everything is working out just the way I asked. My Fiancee and I ended our relationship in April but she was still the girl for me and I knew it! She began to date her ex husband and decided she was going to move in with him out of state. I knew I was actually loosing her. I turned the Aisha and she solved all my problems. My girl ended her relationship with her ex and called me up a few days later, we have been talking everyday since. I have decided to move back home and go finish my schooling there, near her. She tells me everyday how much she misses me and how she thinks about me all the time. She has decided she really wants to work on this and I hope soon we will be engaged again and soon maybe we will be married. Thanks Ms. Aisha you have turned my life around.

George, Santa Monica, CA