Ms. Aisha, where do I even start? I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful work you have done for me. Even though it took 2 tries in which the first try I will have to say worked as well because as soon as you done the work I went home to California where my wife is and the very first night we hugged and slept together and even after I left to go back overseas she called me several times. Then the phone calls stopped and I had trouble calling her etc. Well, of course that may have had something to do with me not having my Talisman with me right away, which I did not use or done any candle lighting until sometime late October even though the work you done was back in late August. So that had something to do with my wife not calling me and had thoughts of not seeing me again. Of course I was devastated and she was not even talking to me about her maybe being pregnant and basically lack of communications. Then I contacted you again and you suggested I have the Powerful Ritual Combo spell cast again. That was on November 28th when you started and 3 and a half weeks later on December 7th, 2005 my wife had called me for the first time since October and even called me back on the 19 and 21st of December (Which I just completed my 2nd candle lighting with my Talisman). On December 24th we both spoke on the phone for over an hour which made me so happy. We spoke about several things with having children again and my vacation coming up next month etc. So much of a good conversation we had. Was my wife speaking to me like we used to talk before we have been married.

You made all this happen Aisha. My wife seems back to her old self now, she cares much about me! You did exactly as I wished for in my letter. Thank you so much Aisha! May you be blessed! I will have to say as others you will get what you want, trust me. This is the real thing and it works.

RJB, United States

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