Last updated: Saturday, February 22nd 2025
Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.
I am happy that I found you
I am happy that I found you, Aisha. You have truly changed my life.
With deepest respect and admiration,
My sincerest apologies
Ms. Aisha, Please do accept my sincerest apologies in advance as I have a confession to make. In 2007 I purchased an Amun ra love spell from you. I am sure you remember me. I’m Regina from PA and I want to make things right and give my self a piece of mind. So here I am, and I hope that you’ll publish my confession so that others could learn from My mistakes. I have wronged you in many ways. Please know that I am not a bad person.
When I lost my husband to another woman, my world crumbled. I was in a lot of pain and knew I had to do something. This is how it all began.
My so called best friend had an affair with my husband and they ended up moving in together. He came home one night and flat out told me that he no longer loved me and asked me to give him a divorce. I had a nervous break down and ended up in the hospital. He never came to see me. In fact while i was in the hospital, he went home took all his clothes and moved in with that evil so called best friend. My life was turned upside down, I was a total mess.
You are not going to believe the nerves on this evil woman. She actually came to the hospital where i was admitted. She asked me to forgive her and that she couldn’t help it as she was in love with my husband and he too wanted to be with her because he loved her more than life it self. As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, I began looking for help so I enlisted the help of a local psychic here in PA. I paid her 2,900 dollars and she promised that my husband will be back in my life in less than four weeks. He never came home so i called the psychic and she told me that the reason why he did not come back is because I have a curse on me, and that she needed to break it so that the love spell will work. She asked me for an additional 1,700 dollars and I stupidly handed it over. She told me that once the curse is broken she would have him back in my life in a week. Months passed and he never came home even though i begged him to do so. The psychic never returned my calls.
I went online and began searching…found another spiritual worker who promised to break them up and have my husband beg me to take him back, she asked me to send her money Via western union. I believed her and sent her 500 dollars and i never heard from her either. I couldn’t stop I needed to find some one who could help me, so I went online again and did more research and found another spell-caster, this one asked me to send him cash, and yes i did send it as well, never heard from him either. I lost faith in every one and i was furious and broke and my husband never came back. Went online again and this time I found Ms Aisha I contacted her via E-mail, she analyzed my case and recommended an Amun Ra love spell, she asked me to send her both our pictures and she also asked me to send her biological samples from me, i sent her hairs, and some nail clippings and paid online with my credit card as she had a merchant account. Any way, the spell was cast and 12 days later I received my talisman, this was new to me as all the other crooks never asked for any such thing all they wanted was the money and they never sent me anything either.
Ms Aisha sent me a talisman via fed-ex and asked me to follow some easy instructions. The instruction say that i had to return the talisman back to nature after 3 weeks.
2 weeks after i received my talisman my husband contacted me and apologized for all wrongs he did to me, he begged me for another chance. I was elated and took him back. I was shocked and amazed oh my god! I could not believe it! When he came home, i didn’t want to return the talisman back to nature as per Ms Aisha’s instructions, instead i decided to keep it. I didn’t want to let go of it. Every time i held it in my hand I felt this sort of warm energy go through my entire body. it was a warm and real! A month later my husband left me again. I was mad as hell and I wasn’t going to take it any more. So i contacted Ms Aisha and actually lied to her and told her the spell did not work! she wrote back and informed me that my spell was broken due to the fact that the talisman was not returned to nature as per her instructions. I denied the fact that i did wrong and sent her several nasty E-mails, she wrote back and informed that she didn’t want to work with me due to disrespect and most of all due to the fact that I lied to her. She just kew that I lied. I don’t know how but she knew exactly what i did wrong. I lost my marbels, i was in a lot of pain… I didn’t know what had gotten into me, so i went online and wrote a lot of nasty lies about Ms Aisha every where I could. I mean I went all out on this woman that had actually brought my husband back when the others couldn’t. You name a forum or website online and i went on it and launched a major smear campaign on Ms Aisha. I knew it was wrong but it made me feel good. I was hurting so bad. My husband changed his phone number and moved to another state. He simply didn’t want nothing to do with me. So I went online again and found 2 more so called practitioners, I was desperate again. No one has asked me to send them my biological samples, a wish list and photos. They only took my money and gave nothing back in return.
I have learned a valuable lesson and I now know how to spot a scam as i have been scammed many times.
I went online and i did a lot of research on witchcraft and bought many books as well. I found out that Ms Aisha was right about everything she wrote in her blog about witchcraft and scammer. In fact she has exposed many scammers.
I did more research and found out that Ms Aisha is the real deal.
Please don’t get scammed by the scammers and read Ms Aisha’s blog and her website you will know that she is the only real deal out there. don’t be fooled by the scammers, and the internet crooks. Read about witchcraft educate your self so that you don’t end up sending your money to Internet scammers and fake spell casters and Psychics.
Let me end this with a great note. A note of hope to all of you who are reading this. I contacted Ms Aisha 3 months ago and asked her for forgiveness. I explained what i did and how horrible i was. I apologized to her and she wrote back..” I understand dear. No worries”. I begged her to work with me again as she has proven that she was the real deal. Don’t believe those negative comments that I wrote about her, they are all lies and i am sorry I did it.
She analyzed my case and this time she recommended a customized Cleopatra love spell due to the fact that my husband has been gone four years to be exact.
One week after I received my talisman for the Cleopatra spell, my husband showed up in my work place with flowers and a band of musicians, they sang a love song for me and my husband got down on his knees and cried. He is now sleeping in my bedroom as i write you my story.
If you really want real spiritual help, Ms Aisha is the only answers. Trust me because i speak from actual experience.
Don’t get scammed, seek Ms Aisha’s help, you will be glad you did. And please don’t forget to write about your own success stories as they are very helpful to those who are waiting to get real spiritual help. Ms Aisha God bless you, you have made my year. I truly love you and will never forget you. and I am really sorry for posting lies about you.
Love and light,
Regina, PA
You are truly a miracle worker. The real mccoy.
OMG! I really really need to share my experience with you all. I never ever in my entire life thought that witchcraft and spells do actually work. As a matter of fact, I always thought that it was nothing but a myth. Boy, I was wrong. Two months ago, my fiance M. decided to end our engagement. I was shocked and disturbed in every aspect of the way. It broke my heart, my soul, my entire being, I couldn’t bear the fact that the man I have loved for eight years decided to leave me due to no faults of mine. He claimed that he no longer was in love with me and that he felt nothing for me anymore. It was as if I was talking to another person. This was not my M. He was always sweet, kind, and truly caring. We have had a great relationship. Communication was perfect, respect was mutual, and the sex was heavenly. I had it all.
Yes, I had it all until I decided to hire a private eye because I could not accept the fact that the love of my life could just walk away from me just like that. I was not going to take it sitting down. Unfortunately, the private eye has informed me that M. was dating his lady boss, who happened to be 11 years older than him. I sobbed and cried like a baby on my kitchen table as I looked at the photos of M. and his lady boss in restaurants, parties, romantic picnics, and walking down the streets holding hands.
It was a true nightmare. It was actually the worst day of my life. I called my best friend S., and the best friend that she is, came with pints of ice cream and chocolates to spend the night over. I don’t think that I would have survived the night without her. The pain was unbearable. It was S. that told me about witchcraft and spells and led me to Aisha’s website. In fact, my best friend S. had a great experience with Aisha
To make a long story short. Ms. Aisha knew exactly what was going on.
M. was manipulated and controlled by black magic forces against his own will. I could not fathom that he would jeopardize all the good years that we had together and pour it down the drain without thought or reservation of any kind. He was truly under the older woman’s spell. His lady boss who happened to be married!!! She was a real dirt-bag, indeed. I am so glad that she got what she deserved. Karma played a big role. Right after the spell was cast, the lady boss got fired, and M. came back to his full senses, thus realizing what a stupendous mistake he had made. He was a tuff guy, I have never seen him cry, but he came to me and cried like a baby, just like I did when he broke my heart. He told me that he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, and had problems breathing, and the only thing he could think about during is waking and sleeping moments was me. He told me that he is truly sorry and begged me to marry him as soon as possible. I accepted, of course. I love the man! I am so glad he is back, I am now pregnant with our first child and our wedding will take place in 3 days and Ms. Aisha is my honor guest.
Ms. Aisha, where ever you are. You have no idea how much I love you and respect you. You are truly a miracle worker—the real McCoy. I am so glad that I came to you. You truly saved my life!
If you really have a situation that is difficult and is in dire need of true and authentic spiritual help, then Ms. Aisha is your best bet. And you can take that to the bank.
Best of luck to you all.
Do not lose faith, Aisha is the way to light and love
Beauty, light and love are exactly what was bestowed upon me. Aisha want’s nothing but the best for you and so do the god’s. She has helped me in my darkest times and always brings love into my life. Trust her, she will help you. In every situation no mater how difficult. You must state exactly what you want though, so make sure it is what you hold in your heart.
Thank you, Aisha. You have brought more love into my life then I could have ever known on my own. Love is precious.
I asked Aisha to return my soul to me and it worked beyond my wildest dreams. But I was paranoid and uncertain of his love and that what was going on around me was not real and our love fell apart. To know I have hurt a precious being, a part of my soul, kills me. Trust me, it does work. Do not ever let them go once you get them back.
I wish all of you the Beauty, light and love I have known. DO not lose faith, Aisha is the way to light and love and beauty and help in your endeavors. All you have to do is ask. Blessed be.
I am happy that I have found this secret spiritual art
I am so incredibly happy that I have found Aisha’s spell casting website and selected her as my spell caster. A truly life-changing experience and even tough I did not know what to expect when I first contacted her I am totally floored. Magic love spells work. They really do. Aisha made the impossible come true for me and returned a lost lover that had lost all interest in me and kind of “hated” me for my past actions and most of all the pain that I have accidental caused him throughout our relationship (very bad 🙁 ). The first results showed how the foundation of our relationship was cleansed and all the pain, hurt and negative memories were removed by the spell. This was the first time we were actually able to discuss our relationship and possible future as adults and without blaming one another… There was serious magic at work because we were discussing our relationship in such respectful, loving and harmonious ways that we both realized our faults, mistakes and most off all our deep love for each other. We have found our way back to what matters most: Love! and gave our relationship a new chance. With the spell we are now only feeling positive feelings and all the negatives from the past do not matter any more. Not only did the spell restore the love, but also the mutual respect and the passion we had lost throughout our past relationship. We have been together 2 years, were separated for 1.5 years, then I engaged in the spell casting service (Cleopatra Spell) and we were getting back together approximately 2-3 weeks after I received the talisman.
I would also like to mention that I believe with all my heart that Aisha is the best spell caster that you can find in modern times and that she has no negative intentions towards her clients. I never expected to even try “magic” but I feel now that I am one of the very few people who have found this secret spiritual art to change the outcome of life’s unfortunate situations.
Thank you so much once again
I’m very thankful for being alive in this lifetime with Aisha. I would never be able to get this kind of enlightenment without her. No one will ever be hopeless and no one will ever need another guidance from anyone regarding spiritual matters when Aisha’s with you along the way. I wish I could meet her again next lifetime. You will never lose me as a client. ^_^ I will soon seek your help again.
Great Aisha, thank you.. Thank you so much once again! I’m so happy.
p.s. I love the smell of the letters in the envelope, which I’d call it the smell of peace. I’ve been sniffing it for a few seconds but I just can’t get enough. I wish my room could smell like that and it would be wonderful if I could smell like that everywhere I go. Yay~
Happy Person, Somewhere
Wonderful being with an extremely powerful gift
Dear mother Aisha, thank you so very much for all that you have done for me throughout the last couple of months. With your help I have risen from the lowest level of my life to the highest point I could possibly reach. This all would not have happened without your help and your powerful gift and spell casting expertise. I am utterly thankful to Amun Ra, Cleopatra and Isis and all the spirits, energies and the universe that have made my most important wishes become a reality. You are a wonderful being with an extremely powerful gift. Thank you so very much for offering this service and to not give in to all the hate from non-believers that is brought upon you. You are not only an inspiration but also the person I will keep in my prayers for the rest of my life. You are just wonderful. Thank you Aisha.
(My problems were love related as well as difficulties in financial areas and negative energies)
Im confident that this will bring us together
I will be ordering the power ritual combo for the woman of my dreams even though I clearly am not the man of hers. Im confident that this will bring us together. The next time I write, it will be a praise report. Thank you Aisha for allowing me to share my thoughts.
Mr. Benjamin, Atl, GA
The most unselfish people i’ve met over the net, really
Aisha has worked for me for so long and so hard to repel evil from my life that is a life threatening trouble. She has always been very warm and good to me always, of course I send her a mail almost everyday and to Miriam too but they have always been kindest in response.
they truly are the most unselfish people i’ve met over the net, really.
Positive and life-changing
Thank you Aisha, I am so grateful that I had the honor of working with you and to experience the power of your gift first hand. I have worked with many practitioners and psychics throughout my life but not even once did I experience something so powerful, positive and life-changing. Thank you for all you have done for me. I feel you are the only “real” practitioner that I have ever met and I am thankful for that.
@all I had Aisha cast an Amun Ra Ritual for a stubborn love situation and I am happy to report that all my wishes came through within a matter of days (lover returned)