Last updated: Sunday, February 23rd 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Spell worked within days and my life has improved in all areas since then

I am so glad I have found your home page again. It’s great, it looks like you still do great services. Keep up the good work.

You helped me several years ago with a power ritual combo. It worked within days and my life has improved in all areas since then. It feels like a big cloud of negativity was removed with your spells. I am feeling great and Dan married me that same year. Just like you had predicted. I remember, you always used to say: Stay positive, everything will work out. It’s so true. Thank you Aisha you have changed my life and I am glad that I stumbled across your site again.

I highly recommend Ms. Aisha for all spiritual help and matters. She is a true spiritual helper that will solve your problems. She will make it happen.

Amber, USA

Aisha gives me strength and motivation

I came upon this site by accident because I don’t know what to do about my relationship. I met this beautiful soul on the Internet and we then fell in love, having to wait 9 months until I saw him, I travelled all the way to Boston to see this man. Although he told me he was married but was not happy in his relationship I pursue the dream of being with him. He was a soul mate, I know we love each other, the only thing now is that he is tied to her and he has some financial problems and children to consider. He is telling me he can’t say we will be together for certain 🙁 but we love each other so much, he is such a caring soul. I know he doesn’t want to hurt others but I see no use for him to be in that relationship. I never did spells and I don’t know if they work. I want to make him come my way knowing that I can give him a better future. He isn’t in love with his wife no more, he is just scared, I guess. I want to try Aisha but at the moment I have spent so much money on Psychics that I have to wait until the end of February to do this spell. Thank you that the angels gave me a chance to come across your site, you give me strength and motivation. I will wait for the right time and will come to do the spell for sure!

Samantha, Sydney Australia

I am confident in Aisha’s White Magic Spells

I just want to let everyone know how much reading this guestbook has put my mind at ease. I am not ready to order my white magic spell just yet but when I do it will be with total confidence. Thank you!

Sunday, USA

My Advice for Spells by Aisha

Dear Aisha (and Friends out there…)

Thank you for being an absolute shining jewel in my dark night.

I now realize so much that I’d taken for granted.



Once you have submitted you request to Aisha do not take any part of your journey for granted. Embrace the lessons you will learn as they will prepare you for the blessings you will receive.

“Teach a man to fish and he will have food for a lifetime…”

Grateful, USA

Aisha held her promise

Thank you so much Aisha!

As I am still receiving results I will not go into great depth about the spell work I’ve requested.

Please know that Aisha has been a teacher, friend, mother, confidante and mentor to me though I’ve never met with her and have exchanged emails with her only briefly several months ago. She is always there for you when you need her most and in the most amazing ways.

She holds her promises.

I’m sure that everyone’s blessings are achieved differently because of different circumstances etc. However, be patient and take the journey. You will receive much more than you could have ever imagined. The care that she gives is bewildering. I never knew my life would be so touched by such a beautiful soul.

The benevolence of her spell work and blessings are still unfolding in my life and the lives of those around me. Who knew?

I will share that I experienced some resistance due to my own error. I mishandled a talisman and needed reinforcement work as a result. Desperate, I called out to Aisha in thought and experienced immediate comfort – IMMEDIATELY! She is more incredible than you can possibly imagine.

If you are here on this site it’s because you asked for help (before you even got here) knowing that you might need it to learn the lessons you must AND you asked to receive that help when you would need it most…everything happens for a reason.

Live the life you were meant to live.
Shokran Shokran Shokran.


This is the Place where dreams are made of and realized

All I can say is this is the place where dreams are made of and realized. My situation is/was love related and very complicated, however, Aisha and her powers have come through for me in some very unexpected and pleasant ways. I must tell all of you that I was about to give up hope and then suddenly, it was as if my dreams unfolded right before my very eyes and almost as if I was the writer and director of my own film because it played out almost exactly how I imagined it. Still one very small thing remains but if I have gotten this far, I know the storyline will come true in the end. I must also say that it took almost 14 weeks and a reinforcement spell for my PRC to be realized but it was worth the wait. So to all of you who are considering using Aisha’s services by all means, please DO!!!!! Its hard to wait and I know and sometimes its seems hopeless, but trust me when I tell you everything will work out!! As a matter of fact when my man looked into my eyes and said exactly what I had wished for him to say, the first thing that popped into my mind was OMG Aisha, it worked!

Satisfied Customer, USA

You can trust Aisha Al Haadi Rahman

I would like all of you to know that Aisha Al Haadi Rahman is very honest and does not tell you things you want to hear. My very first email from her was very warm, caring and comforting there was something very gentle and mothering that I could sense from her. I had taken my time and I kept on sending her emails and she always replied to them even if it took a few days. Aisha taught me to be positive which is very important she does not take advantage of you. You can trust her. I wish not to talk about my case. You will not be disappointed. I think the most important thing is to have patience, believe without a doubt that you can have what you want. Good Luck!


Tried a love spell and it worked

I tried a love spell from here and it worked, my heart wasn’t broken anymore. That meant so much to me, to know and see that I could trust and love again.


Amazing Egyptian Witchcraft Site

What an amazing energy on this website! Within minutes of finding this wonderful place, certain things to do with my situation happened!!! Amazing… and I haven’t ordered anything yet. I actually put it down to coincidence at first but when i read through your messages on here I found that I am not the only one this has happened to.

Thank you for this place… it has made me feel a little more positive all ready. Thank you all for your wonderful inspiring stories, sharing them put a little happiness back in my heart.


Love Spell worked beyond my wildest dreams

All I can say is that the love spell worked beyond my wildest dreams. I think that I am going to try a money talisman and see what happens! Stay positive! Things will happen!

L., Southern California