Last updated: Saturday, February 22nd 2025
Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.
I feel uplifted every time I come here
I just want to say thank you to everyone who posted on the guestbook. The great outcomes and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. I am currently in the process of reading all of the post and I must say the positive energy I feel on Aisha’s site is amazing. I feel uplifted every time I come here. I can’t wait to get some great results myself.
T., MD
I truly believe that this worked
I bought a spell from Aisha after my boyfriend of 15 months broke up with me. Four days after receiving the Talisman he texted me to get together. We did and he told me he still loves me and wants to try to work it out. This is the first time that I have ever filled out any testimonial, but I truly believe that this worked.
Thank you Aisha!!!
Elaina, Usa
You are the best, I know this without a doubt
I have just had the pleasure of hiring Aisha to help me with a love spell.
One night I was watching lifetime “The 12 Wishes of Christmas”. I thought would it not be so nice if there really was someone whom could grant you a wish. It was really crazy because I came across Aisha’s website. I knew in my heart this lady was for real. I just made my wish and sent out the required items this past week.
I have never done anything like this before and a couple of nights ago I was feeling pretty sorry for my self and stepped out on the porch. When I looked up at the sky I saw a star that was shinning so brightly and was sparkling. Honestly, I knew Aisha was letting me know everything would be okay and she was there for me.
I am patiently waiting for her to give me my wish – when I start to doubt myself I go on line and read her testimonials – they are incredible and help to give me inspiration.
Thank you Aisha – you are the best, I know this without a doubt.
Waiting for another spectacular result
I am writing because I believe it is time to put credit where credit is due. Generally, I am logical, skeptical try to solve my problems with reason. I first came to Aisha when I was faced with an completely impenetrable problem–one that I had already tried and failed to solve on my own. Love was involved, but I’ll spare the details.
I had no real belief that this would work, to be honest. But I was beyond desperate and willing to try anything. The results were hard to believe. First, the impossible began to seem more and more possible, then all the sudden the impossible was actually happening.
Thanks to Aisha, I have been happy for nearly a year. Now I am faced with a another difficult problem and have returned to ask for help again. Of course, I am afraid–uncertainty is scary. But I know Aisha made what seemed impossible happen for me once before, so I am concentrating on that and waiting for another spectacular result.
A Client
Mother Aisha is the real answer
Dear Aisha Madam,
I would definitely say that your presence in my life has become a blessing in disguise. You had always guided me through the process of the journey as a dear mother, caring every bit of me… Thanks you, Thank you and I love you for the change I got through your presence in my life.
I had ordered a PRC, I won’t say much but one could really get a hint through my writing, this writup that Mother Aisha IS THE REAL ANSWER to any body in need.
I am feeling its energy ever since the things started changing on a positive note for me and still are changing making me feel blessed by HER every passing moment.
Thanks a lot MOTHER…
I knew that my condition was a real problematic one (money matter) thus I had to keep patient. Though I wanted to share my feeling via this guestbook some days before only but then…
NO PROBLEM as Patience always pays and if it is a blessed one through MAAM Aisha then it would surely be……
Rest assured…. I would soon return back.
I Love you Mother
Nature, Ind
She misses and loves me
I ordered the Amun Ra to bring back my loved one, second Wednesday before I lit the candle she called, we spoke almost 45mins on the phone, She even mentioned that she missed and love me.
Usually she would not answer my phone or only respond with short conversation and end up hanging up on me
I knew all along that she loves me but I needed the ritual to help clear things up and bring us together faster, as she would not accept my apology, explanation and my call and instead of waiting for time to go by and hoping that she realized one day and start reaching out which I’m not sure that will happen so I ask Aisha for her help
This time I will take my relationship a different way to avoid the same mistake.
Changes during the spell casting process
I have ordered for a power ritual combo and I am waiting to get my Talisman which has been shipped. I reached out to Aisha when I was in desperate need to save my relationship which was drifting away. My boyfriend was pushing me away. The moment my spell casting process started, I could see changes, my boyfriend being around me with out any reasons. I could see him watching me and getting attracted to me where ever I was. This is true people, it was magical. The same person who wanted me to give him space and drifting away just a week back was now more drawn towards me . He is slowly becoming the man i fell in love with, kind and caring. Aisha has saved my relationship and has saved my life. Once I get my talisman I truly believe that things will be solved and we will be together for forever. I couldn’t wait and I wanted to share this with everyone so that any one who has lost hope and wants to save their love, Aisha is the person. I truly respect her and Love her for helping me. I will surely come back and write my review once my issue are solved. I have had a good start .
God bless all.
Love and light to you all
Dear all,
I thought I would share my experiences so far. I ordered the PRC in October for a Love situation, I fell madly for a girl back at the start of the year and we got on so well I had never been so happy before as I was when I was with her. Sadly issues drew her away from me and after months she would barely talk to me, she began seeing someone else and I was a mess, she didn’t talk to me anymore. I was such a state and I suffer from depression so things seemed bleak and I was in a bad way. I have always been quite spiritual so I decided to have a browse on the internet to see if I could find help, thats when I discovered Aisha. Aisha truly is wonderful, she said she could help my situation so I ordered the PRC spell. I noticed after the spell was cast I became very positive minded which is rare for me and I decided to contact the person I love and she contacted me and said sorry and she would like to hang out again. There is still a long way to go but I am staying positive and I know Aisha will help me until the girl I love is back in my Live. Love and light to you all.
I know she can help me too
I just ordered the PRC spell for love. I am hoping it brings back my husband to me. It gives me great peace knowing that Aisha has helped so many. I know she can help me too. I will keep everyone posted.
Hopeful, USA
We are currently updating our Guest Book
Dear Clients, Visitors and Friends,
We are currently updating our guest book. This is not yet the complete list of reviews and testimonials.
Until the update has been completed please visit our original guest book in its full version.
Love and Light,