Last updated: Tuesday, March 11th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Things are Great

Hi Aisha, I’m the guy who thought his sex life was OVER!!

I’m sure you know who I am, because there can’t be anybody else like me, with the problems I had! And the problems which you CURED with your special brand of Magic – with a Capital M!!!

I followed your instructions, listened to your advice, and the woman in my life turned into a tigress, nearly right in front of me, a total transformation! Plus, my own desire has increased, and we’re very happy together.

Normally I’m the kind of guy who wouldn’t write this kind of thing, but I’ve gotta tell ya, you put some Gunpowder in that Talisman! Things are Great, Thank a Lot! –

Henry S.

Successful Money Spell

I recently ordered a PRC money spell to fulfill a mandate placed on me by the universe to experience a multimillion dollar lottery windfall. Ms. Aisha began working immediately wiping clean my spiritual path bad luck and evil and negative energies and the residue of failed spells by false practitioners I’ve gone to in the past. I have received my package and I am presently following my step by step instructions to the t.

To the person reading this, trust the power of the spirit realm. Ms. Aisha is the most powerful vessel in the world! That’s the truth. You really can have anything in life you desire, and your only limit is YOU.

I will return to the guest book when I have achieved my wonderful results.

New Millionaire, Somewhere out there, USA

It is real.

Its taken me two weeks to write something in here. I’ve posted before…But I wanted to wait and make sure it was real. It is. I’m still in shock of it all. I’m so happy and excited. And everyday more and more things unfold. Whats amazing is that he’s still himself. Everything he says and does is still the same old guy I love, and loved back in HS.

I have to admit. Aisha saved two lives. My sweetheart is currently listed in the service, and also has a baby by his ex wife. Whom she didn’t want at all and tried to get rid of desperately. Aisha saved my man from the war and the son that his mom didn’t want. Instead of not able to see him for two years if he made it alive. It’ll be in a few short months. This holiday season I will have my dreams come true as a child who use to watch little mermaid and Cinderella. I’ll have my man wrapped around me and his son who I adore and love with us. It’ll be the best holiday season ever in my life! Only one person made that happen!

I’ve worked with Aisha for a few years now. The first one I decided to move on. The second helped show who the man really was…and what he really wasn’t. When “he” came back into my life I knew it was fate and maybe Aisha helped it out somehow. I knew back in high school he and I would end up together. And we actually did. Although certain circumstances had gotten in the way. Aisha helped clear those out. They are no longer a problem for either of us. And we cannot wait to start our lives together as a big happy family the way it should be.

Words cannot express how happy and wonderful things are. And maybe because I’m still in shock and filled with giddiness. At first I doubted it…Something happened that made me think it wasn’t working. Aisha emailed me back and told me I’d be very happy. One day at work I decided to text him…and little did I know that text message hi…would turn into all that’s happened since then.

Wow…Little did I think my case would have fast results as well. Less than twenty four hours…I was in heaven!

I will keep everyone posted on how things go. Whomever is reading this. I’ve been where you are…and I’ve sat at my computer for hours reading these messages over and over. Some I’ve read so many times I know them by heart. I even read them on my cell phone. Beings I know how much of these messages have helped me. I’m posting my message so that it can help comfort someone else. And thank you to all of those of you who have posted and I’ve read (more than once)…you’ve comforted me….

In Love, Heaven

From the time I contacted her I started feeling better

First off I would like to say that Ms. Aisha is an AMAZING woman! From the time I contacted her I started feeling better. Just knowing she was working with me made me feel more confident and relaxed about everything. I put my trust in this magical woman and she gave me the most wonderful results!!

To anyone who is questioning Mr. Aisha I would just like to say believe in this woman and your deepest wishes will become your reality!

God Bless Ms. Aisha and all of you in this world who have been lucky enough to find this web site and this AMAZING woman!

Jessica, USA

Aisha is truly a gem

Been a while, fingers crossed this time.
Aisha is truly a gem. Amazing, patient, lovely, kind, GOD SENT. I emailed her like 1001 times and she still believes in me.

Love you

S.O. Singapore

The spirit realm is alive and well

Ms. Aisha thank you foe your work. It has been 2 weeks since receiving the talisman and some results in fruition. While me and my boyfriend are not back together ….yet…I feel we will soon be. An unfortunate accident brought us back together and he has been very helpful in my time of need. We are talking about us and about how much we love each other and that we want to be back together but we need to work on some of our issues first. We promised to stay in touch and hopefully one day we will be reunited like we should be. Thanks to you I have hope and I can go on believing that we will be together…I feel it, its just going to take time. We have lots of water under the bridge. I will keep you posted. To everyone out there…there is hope and the spirit realm is alive and well. Best wishes everyone and remember..never give up on love!!


I am so pleased to have found your website

I am writing to confirm that I received the Talisman sent from Aisha

I am completely fascinated with how this is already seeming to work in my life! When I just hold it in my hands and close my eyes, I can feel my senses lighten and my stress levels lift. I really believe in this kind of thing and have all my life, and though there are definitely some charlatans out there, this is one thing, along with Aisha herself, that I have come across in which I place my absolute faith.

There is true power in positive thinking, as I have always known, but it always helps to have a little “nudge” along the way, and this lovely Talisman is clearing my negative energy away and making room for all the love I have to give to HIM.

I am so pleased to have found your website. I read everything in it, and I’m already beginning to experience the magic created within the circle. Thank you!

JS, Bosnia

I connected with this site

Hi Aisha,

I have finally ordered an Amun Ra spell and sent my material through to you earlier on this week – you should get it

Today I have found other sites that you mention in spell scam, and I have actually been reading some of their sites.

I am sometimes confused on who’s telling what, but one thing I know, I get attached to this site. I really do.

Somehow I get really attached to this site and I look at this site in my spare times reading over the same things over and over again – and I never get bored….and when they talk about connection, there are just no other spellcaster I get connected with at this stage..except for of course, Aisha

I really don’t know why but I seriously have trust in you. (Ok, I have got about 5% skepticism about things as anyone would know, after all the first spell you cast for me, I broke it by lighting my candle on thursday)…

S., Aust

I am amazed

I’m so amazed to read the testimonials of your clients, how I wish that I consulted you before i made an order with another spellcaster

Amy, Japan

My devotion is pure and strong

I after many months have still seen all positive results. My first spell being in Jan 2006. Ms Aisha and Miriam are still with me. My devotion is pure and strong. Do not be afraid to order from her. I am truly blessed to find her. You will be too.

Dee, USA