Last updated: Sunday, February 23rd 2025
Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.
Weight loss spell
Through the years at different points I would admit to myself that I needed to do something about it. I would start a diet and not see any results so I would quit. I crash dieted several times and lost quite a bit, but always gained it back.
With Aisha’s diet and weight loss spell I lost 90 lbs in 6 months! Just had a check up and I am healthier than ever.
Dietra, USA
Secrecy is important
I understand that we’re all excited about finding Aisha but some of you are going to ruin your spells if you keep “flapping” your gums to other people about this site. In the directions it clearly states that we’re not to tell anyone about these services. Aisha clearly lets us know that anyone who is meant to find her, will. Don’t cause bad karma to come your way by talking about your spells with people other than this guestbook, even though I enjoy reading the entries, I have to admit that I get a little aggravated when i read that so many of you have talked about this to your friends. You can’t tell people everything because they can discourage you. It’s okay to be happy but be selective with whom you share that happiness with and follow the instructions.
Di, South
Wow…is all I can say
Wow is all I can say. I was just wandering around the site and thought I’d check to see if my message was posted, it was. (message was written August 5th 2007) It brought tears to my eyes to read what I had written. But I’m writing again to further update you! Just to prove the power of Ms Aisha!
Aisha was a huge help to me in the first few weeks. I’d email her and let her know what was going on and she would email back saying she’s right on it!! I knew I loved him dearly but he wasn’t acting super sweet etc to me. Sometimes left me hurt. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt. We were only together for about a month. He had gotten his papers less then a month later saying he could officially leave the service September 6th. One problem he had was he owed $400 to his old apartment. If he couldn’t pay it, it would take him till the end of the month. Determined to have him home sooner..when he’s suppose to…I gave him two weeks of my paychecks…Once again I ignored my bills for him. The day he was suppose to be home…Just six hours before he’d be in our hometown and in my arms…he breaks up with me. Still wanting to be my friend and see where things go…I was by far hurt and crushed and couldn’t figure out why this was happening when Aisha worked so hard to bring him back.
I contacted Aisha and Miriam right away…I was by far a mess…worse then I have ever been! He was still somewhat talking to me…but not like I had hoped..but I wasn’t sure what to expect either! Aisha emailed me back saying she’s helping me out with some things, I had also did a reinforcement and was planning for another Amun ra. In the back of my mind I had this fear and a joke to myself that as soon as I gave her the money etc for another Amun ra..he’d be back. He had been contacting me every so often sometimes on his own..but it didn’t really start until….three weeks after he broke up with me.
It started on September 25th.. He had called me around 5ish..and left me a voicemail message…It was my little sisters birthday so I didn’t quite have the phone attached to me like normal. I was shocked it was him that called…and even more so that he left me a message…he’s only ever done that twice! He wanted to know what I was up too etc…I text him..leaving him to do most of the talking. He was still at work and when he got off and gets home he’d text me. By 9ish I was like he’s not going to text…and started to fall asleep…945..he texts me…we talked until 130 in the morning. That whole week he’d text me at night. Some of the things he wanted and said I knew he still wanted me..just couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t stepping up. Friday he text me all day long. By the time I was to leave for work he wanted to do something that night…At first i assumed he didn’t mean me…but i was dead wrong.
He didn’t have a car so I had to go and pick him up. I was a nervous wreck. Neither of us had money nor knew of what to do. He wanted to meet my mom and sister and know where i lived…so i took him to my house…when he got in my car he smelled of a familiar cologne…knowing fully what it was..i asked..he said the same stuff he wore in high school…the one i adored..i smiled and knew very well he still loved me! He made me laugh and joked…I loved it…at one point he pulled me to him and whispered in my ear about us getting back together. I was so busy engrossed in what we were laughing about..I let what he said soak disbelief and ignore it. All night he kept saying “us” and “we”…there’s a vacant house we own next to my house and asked me why don’t WE live there or rent it. I was like we? he asked what I quickly changed the conversation.
Later that night all cuddled in his arms which felt so right…I was so comfortable I didn’t want it to end…I asked him if there were ever moments you want to freeze and live them forever…i said this is one of those moments. We were quiet for a while and then he quietly asked me about the question he asked me earlier and what my answer was. I stayed quiet…then out of no where..i said yes…he said yes what…i said yes i will…he said yes you will what…both of us went quiet…and then i whispered…be with you….i looked up at him…he said okay and ran his fingers through my hair…and i swear i melted!
Its been a week…and I’m still in shock..I still cant believe it…he’s told me he doesn’t want to be that man he use to be…that he use to be an a-hole. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me and eternity with me. He wants to make me happy everyday…tells me that i make his day everyday. That i’m a part of him and his son now…I’ve gotten to see him twice now. And friday I took the day off work and Matt, Riley and I spent it together. Riley just adores me..and I adore him! Friday night cuddled up to him he asked me about me taking his son to daycare with me (i work in the infant room of a daycare) which shocked me…we’ve discussed it before and he didn’t want me to be around him all day so he wouldn’t get spoiled…I was floored…Course I was a happy moment..It meant a great deal to me…
My family loves him..and everyone else I’ve introduced him too…My mom has met him before when we dated in HS..and liked him then…she still does..and even more now. And wants him to be around forever…But so does he! really wants to marry me…the whole nine yards…I’m still in shock and disbelief…and cant believe how the man I loved in HS…is back…he’s really back…and i couldn’t be anymore happier…My life seems perfect…and real…I often ask him if this is real…its just such a fairy tale…he tells me its as real as it can get…I love him and his son so much!!!
Thank you Aisha…and Miriam!!! I know I was a pain in the you know what when he broke up with me this last time…But it was almost worth it…when he came back…it was how it was suppose to be…no amount of thank yous could get across and show just how thankful I am to you!!!
In love Still
I never knew that magic exists
I never knew that magic exists until sometime in September 2005 when the woman I loved decided to break our relationship of five years apart. I was extremely desperate because I was still in love with her. I was so desperate that I began thinking about something, anything that would get her back to me. I was thinking of love potions and other things like that and that night I went on the Internet desperately to find something. Aisha’s website was the first to pop up and I clicked on it. There was something about the website that made me stayed on it and I monitored the site everyday. Aisha gave me a case analysis, and in it she said that she could help me with the Power Ritual. Anyway, I did not get the PRC done because somehow I was able to get my girlfriend back and we were together for another two months. However, in December, 2005 she told me once again that she wanted to break up with me and this time I was even more devastated and depressed because this time she was headstrong about her decision. She said she loves me but not in love with me and this sent me flying to Aisha once again. This was when I knew I must get the most Powerful ritual there was and I ordered Amun Ra. During this process I have many doubts that Aisha could help me because of my complicated situation with my stubborn and headstrong ex girlfriend. After Amun Ra was performed, my ex girlfriend and I starting seeing each other and hanging out with one another. At some point we started engaging again in sexual relationship, however during the time I was waiting for my result, I was talking to other people online. I began to accept our breakup and started to put myself in a position to meet people. Anyway, my ex said to me in a question form, “Do you think we will ever be together again?” and I looked at her and said, maybe in the future. I possibly could have said to her lets try again and maybe we would have been together like I originally wanted, however, I started liking the idea of meeting new people. I realized that Aisha’s spell worked but my heart had changed. The whole process did not take very long, it took about a month and two weeks from the time I sought Aisha’s help to the time my ex wanted to get back together. So I just want you guys to know that the spell does work and now I am seeking Aisha’s help again.
Good Vibes
I have just received my Talisman and am only on my first Wednesday and I cannot wait to see the outcome of my final results, I have been feeling positive and good vibes about things.
You will feel the magic
You will feel the magic around you right after you will have touched the talisman. You’ll be “in”. Signs will start popping up…the urges to call, songs, and all kinds of things you’ll just know they are signs telling you what is going on or what you should do. LISTEN TO THEM!ACT ON THEM! The spell sets the path and you have to ACT!
If you act harshly or in a wrong way, the spell will fail…keep in mind, you have to be loving if you want the results, loving and not full of resentment and pain spilling it on your loved one. Be careful, do things right, act after signs, wish right things, love, and …wait. If you do things correctly, NO WAY your wish won’t be granted! It WILL come true, just be patient and wait with love in your heart.
Head up!
*apolonia*, Europe
This is a genuine, trusted person who has immense power of the universe with her
Extraordinarily Accurate, mind-blowing phenomena, at work here. A true genius in your endeavour to put things as they should be, the universe gave birth to a star born identity when they made you.
mother earth goodness. A kind and generous frame of individualism all born into and, as you, divine peace working goddess, light filling, wonderful Lady Aisha, who is doing the grand job of web weaving and sorcery , her spells are divine and her love spell work has amazing results. Money spells I think are your speciality. Again, amazing results. The talismanic charms are far reaching the world. I know of many people who have these boldly beautiful pieces of not only ornamentation but working spells and holistically spiritual forces gathering around the recipient forever. How wonderful to have you in our lives dear glorious Ms. Aisha. Clever and talented individual. Who uses a Spell Caster to accountably decide what will work for you in love and light. Let this beautiful dependable woman joyfully work with your guides and parted loved-ones to help you move forward on your journey with effortlessness and tranquillity. This is a genuine, trusted person who has immense power of the universe with her.
I was so totally freaked to try this stuff. There is so much crap about these days. I kept coming back to this site and I still have no reason why.
I look at all the messages and read all the new ones too I get such a good feeling in here.
Anyway one night I got slightly drunk and egged myself on to ordering a money spell from you. I had already been thinking about what I wanted if I was going to order something but I never really had the bottle to do it. Well I never believed I was going to anyway.
Next morning when I woke and remembered what I had done I completely panicked. I just thought much the worst. I imagined I had signed into some occult thing that will make me sell all my worldly goods and stuff.
But in all fairness ill tell you that the actual reality of it all was quite nice really. Aisha is just a person with talent and knows whats shes talking about and I have found that I quite enjoyed too the work I did with her but more important of all IT ACTUALLY WORKED.
Millionaire, Denver
Aisha is the best
I don’t know how long it usually takes but he called just 2 hours after I received the Talisman. We talked for 7!!!! hours and it was the first time I heard his voice in over a year. Thank you Aisha. You are the BEST!
I am very pleased
Well, I did the Power Ritual and the Amun Ra spell and I’m very pleased, I was bit skeptical at first but then I had some very vivid dreams about my ex saying that she would do one thing for me and even disobey her parents rules, I had two vivid dreams about her in two days. Haven’t seen the full results but I’m positive that things will work out the best thanks Aisha!