Last updated: Saturday, March 29th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Thanks for the Spells

I learned about this site through my boyfriend, whose mom had bookmarked it in the computer. We asked to have two spells cast: one for the eternal love bond for us both, and one spell for extra money. My boyfriend got the Talisman you sent and brought it over to me so we could both make the spell come full circle, and then we waited. I would not believe it if it hadn’t happened to me, but it did: we won the lottery the following weekend.


Jen and Mike

Faith and Hope

Positive attitude with Faith & Hope will take you to what you’re looking for.


It was such as pleasure working with Aisha

It was such as pleasure working with Aisha! Her kindness and generosity are unmatched, and her unique skills in magic spells are like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I knew she would make me feel better the moment I made contact through her website. I could just tell, because I’m a bit psychic myself. Anyway, I was going to be traveling to Portugal on a mission, and I felt I needed some extra protection to ward off bad luck, bad health and thieves, things like that. So she sent me a special protection spell Talisman that I started wearing and I even went on my mission with it. Everyone just said it was beautiful jewelry, because they didn’t know. I had a wonderful trip, made many friends, and all was well. You kept me safe, Ms. Aisha. God Bless. Andrea.


The power of your work was amazing

Aisha I apologize for not writing this sooner, with most things in life when things are good you cruise along but when things are bad you search and ask for help. And help is what I asked from you when I met someone who was not ready to commit to a relationship with me.

The power of your work was amazing and I remember thanking you and the universe when I saw the results happen almost immediately. Everything happened so fast, litterally within a week.

One day I was hearing that he was not sure, not ready to commit, was not looking etc to calling me and admitting he had feelings for me and our relationship started. That was almost three years ago.

First and foremost, a big thank you. You are a blessing to me and I feel so honored you are in my life and I have someone so talented to help me.

Secondly, To anyone who is suffering out there, Aisha is the real deal. Her work has been proven to help many many people including myself. Read the testimonals, they are real not fake (who would take the time to type so many) I am not someone who has idle time, I run two sucessful companies of my own and fly all over the world so I have a pretty good idea of what is authentic or not.

Aisha, I know you will be working on another problem for me, I am happy to be a repeat customer and look forward to your ever positive results.

With affection.

Hong Kong

My favorite spell caster

Aisha is my favorite spell caster.  I did not used to believe in witchcraft until I connected with her.  She does not just work magic she works miracles.  When my husband and I were having marriage problems, Aisha’s love spells saw us through.  We are happier than ever.  She is amazing!


I want to express my gratitude

I want to express my gratitude for the extensive work you have done over the past week. It was a pleasant feeling a lot of warmth and peace flowed through to me I believe.  I felt immediately calmer when the you cast the magic spell and the feeling stayed with me through-out the next couple of weeks. I wish to convey that I have received my results this morning. I was shy to return the talisman to nature and I must tell you I could feel a pulse from it. Or a slow rhythmic juddering. A vibration even, to the extent  I can hold it; and I feel the imprint of the vibration in my hand when I take it out again, as this is my first ever experience doing anything like this I feel the need to record every moment of it. I look forward to the next chapter in this my spell and help work. Dear Aisha thank you indeed.


Protection and Beauty Spell

Thank you for mailing my package so quickly and beautifully. I was so surprised to see how really gorgeous you had wrapped everything with such love and care. I was so chuffed to find the beauty of it, it really touched me.
I ordered the protection spell and beauty spell from you and am seeing great results and having great results I should say too. My life is running a lot more smoothly and calmly now and am looking forward to the banquet we have been invited to (how did you know about that). Thank you also very much for all the powerful results the spell work has produced. I have been taught so much in a small space in time.
I want to put one lesson I have learned here for others to see…

This was my learning curve.

If you believe in the power of magic then your dreams will come true.

I can honestly say that was my lesson and I don’t mean in just the physical side of magic that Aisha has done for me I mean the stuff you don’t see and cant touch.

I thank you again profusely.


She can help

I am waiting to order from Aisha but I have no doubt that she is real. Just reading her website cements that she can help people in my mind. I am going to embrace every part of my journey with her. I will be sure to update when the spell has been cast and I receive results.

Aisha is compassionate and compelling

I want to leave a message of hope for those people waiting for work with Aisha to come to completion. I am the worlds worst person for waiting for anything. Trust me when I say Aisha is the most compassionate and compelling person I have had the pleasure to encounter. I just was buzzin when I could not wait any longer. Its worse when you are waiting for an outcome that you yourself have asked for and initiated. I did some love spells, money spells, karma cleansing spells and delete the past spells and got fabulously fantastic spell results from Aisha and she is just brilliant. Her work is amazing and incredible. You have changed my life forever Aisha and I really am thanking you for that with every ounce of flesh and cell in my body. I am not seeing CP anymore. He got up and walked out 4 days after spell was cast. He said he could not be in the apartment anymore wanted to leave and never come back. I WAS SO PLEASED… it worked as well as all the other spells. It took 1-4 weeks average for all of them. Everybody will get results, this lady is brilliant.


Faithful and Patient

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say thank you sooooooo much for all your uplifting entries. You guys have no idea how hard its been for me. I have constantly been annoying Queen Aisha and I apologize (tear). But every time I visit this site, your words teach me more and more about patience. Patience is key. I have complete faith in Queen Aisha. Just the other day something happened and was said that made me think the spell wasn’t working, but that night my friends and I went to a restaurant…McDonald’s actually, and my friend sitting next to me was looking through a magazine. And out of nowhere she called for our attention and told us all to look at this male model who was in the magazine. He had an amazing body that all my friends were drooling over, but the first thing that caught my eye was a tattoo on the left side of his chest. The tattoo was the Eye Of Horus and that was all I kept looking at. And just two nights ago i visited this site again and i came across an entry that mentioned when she began to lose faith and started crying all of a sudden she turned her head and amongst all other pharaonics, the Eye of Horus stood out clear and bold, and it was a sign telling everything was gonna be alright and all good was to come. and it was just that night it hit me because honestly why out of all the pictures of male models she could’ve pointed out, why him?? and out of all possible tattoos he could’ve had, why the Eye of Horus?? And I’m telling you I lost complete hope that day panicking that maybe I did something wrong the broke the spell. I was freaking out. But I realize all I can do is wait…be patient and wait. I thank you in advance Queen. I love you and I’ll continue to keep faith, I know you won’t let me down.


C*, Faith Land