Last updated: Saturday, March 29th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Please Cleopatra make my wish come soon. I love you and thank you so much.

Love, Hearth

Anxious and excited at the same time

Hello everyone,

Like many of you I found this website while browsing the web for a legit spell caster that could help me lift the weight I am feeling because I am so sad, so down, so lonely, so out of place and really don’t know what to do with my life. When I first looked at this site I was hooked. I couldn’t believe that there are so many people out there like me.

People looking for hope to go on. I contacted Aisha and told me about my situation which are both love and money related and she was very sweet and made me so happy to know that she can in fact help me.

I come here and read all those testimonials every single day because it really helps me to cope with my situation. I am so far from the man I love and not being able to at least listen to his voice breaks my heart and a piece of me dies everyday. I am just a couple of hundreds away from getting all the money I need for my two spells and I am getting so anxious and excited all at the same time, because my dreams are close to come true.

So please keep on posting because that’s what keeps me going and I pray that when I order my spells I will achieve great results as well.

Thank you Aisha for being so wonderful and patient, and such an angel, and thank you all for your testimonials.

Love and Light

Lonely Soul, Mother Earth

I just ordered my spell today

I just ordered my spell today.

And since I dropped the letter with stuff for Miss Aisha in the mailbox, I’ve felt more optimistic and calm for the first time in a while.

I’m trying to stay calm while waiting for the spell to be cast and the result to come my way.

And I feel perfectly safe in Miss Aisha’s hands – I know she’ll help me.

C., Europe

So far, we’re back to talking

Aisha cast a Power Combo for love problems for me. So far, we’re back to talking. That’s the positive. Now, for the not solved yet. He’s 3,500 miles away on the West Coast. He hasn’t made plans to move back, and any he hasn’t coming along all that fast. 🙁 Not sure how we can “date” if he’s out there and I’m here (one of the many reasons we broke up). No word on any of his “other” issues (besides the whole distance thing). We’ll see.

I have 3 months to see results – and if he isn’t back with me by then. I’ll go for the next step (Aisha asked I do the Amun Ra – I chose the Power Combo tho – as I wasn’t sure IF I’d get ANY results.) But I’m getting them, so maybe another spell to bring him home might work. You can never tell. Meantime, I’m about to ask Aisha for money help, as I’ve got some issues there. Hoping Amun Ra might help me out a spot there too!

Oona, East Coast Gurl

I am forever indebted to you

Ms Aisha I don’t know how to thank you. You have changed my life! I am so grateful to you, Please know that I truly appreciate what you have done for me.

I am now ready to share my story with everyone, this is the least I could do.

Okay all my life I have believed in true love because I know it exists. Several months ago I was going through a bitter divorce. My husband of ten years was having an affair with his secretary, I wasn’t aware of it until he got her pregnant.

She called me up her self and told me everything that they have been doing.

I cried for days and nights. I’ve found out that he even bought her a promise ring. I asked his secretary to please abort the baby and not ruin our marriage. She coldly told me that it was my husband who is ruining this marriage not her. She insisted on keeping the baby. She even claimed that John my husband is madly in love with her. I confronted him and he fully confessed, Yes he cheated, and yes he got her pregnant, and yes he is madly in love with her. He told me that he can’t help it. He still loves me but he feels that he is madly in love with her, hence he wants to be with her.
I even tried to work things out and make it work. I pleaded, I begged on my knees for the sake of our children. still he didn’t care. He dumped me for her.

This is when my journey began. I purchased spell from scammers not knowing it. I was so naive and never took the time to do my research. I have been scammed by fake spell casters and psychics on several occasions. I was stupid enough to send them money via western union. Please don’t do it. Never pay via western union only crooks and scammers ask for it. I have spent thousands of dollars on fakes and scammer.

Here is how to detect a scam:
If you are asked to send money via western union. This is a scam no matter what excuse they give you.
If you are not asked to send biological samples for your spell work ( this is the most important part for a real spell to work) this is a scam
If you are not asked for pictures. This is a scam
If you are not asked for first names and birth dates. This is a scam.
If they are not sending you a charged talisman after the completion of your spell work. This is a scam.

I have come to learn that a true love spell will only work if the biological samples such as hair, nail clippings and pictures, names and birth dates are used. And finally the most important one the talisman. Without a charged talisman and all the mentioned above, you are basically giving your money to a scammer, a con artist. Please don’t get scammed like I have. I have been scammed more than 17 times that is until I found Ms Aisha My true angel. I am so glad that I have found you.

I did my home work and a lot of research. My knowledge, my gut instinct guided me to Ms Aisha.
I contacted her regarding my case, she performed a series of shell readings and got back to me. She told me that my husband has bedroom eyes and that he is a cheater and he can’t help it especially when younger women are involved.

Ms Aisha also told me that this young woman in John’s life does not really love him.
All she wants is his money. I was so upset, I wanted her out of our lives, I wanted her out of the picture and I wanted my husband with me where he belongs. Ms Aisha recommended the Amun ra spell and the rest like they say is history.

One week after I received my talisman John fired Mary, she was so upset she had a miscarriage. My husband came back to his full senses and we have been happier ever since.

Thank you Ms Aisha, I am forever indebted to you.

If you are looking for authentic spells that work , Ms Aisha is your answer. I mean that in every sense of the world.
Don’t get scammed Like I have, think before you act.

Mary T

Inspiring stories indeed

Hi All, wow what a lovely guestbook, full of inspiring stories indeed. I am so very much looking forward to sharing my own success story in the near future! Thank you to everyone who has shared their story and contributed to helping others through this page.

Many Blessings and Love to all.

B., B.

Love you, always and forever!

I just want to say thank you for helping me pass another one of my very important exams once again.

Also, thank you for bringing me back to my family after many years.

Love you, always and forever!


All the sadness and depression is gone

Hello Everyone,

I gave my name in for the negativity purge spell (no longer offered) on the 12th of April with the hope of removing my sadness and depression over my ex boyfriend. Just on the 12th, I was feeling so distraught and cried as well. Well, on the 13th and 14th, all the sadness and depression was gone. I still think about him but I don’t feel the sadness or depression.

Thank you so much Aisha.

Sharila, South East Asia

Aisha is the real authentic spell caster

Aisha has helped me. This is the third spell in just 2 months. Trust me, I’ve tried many spell casters before but all of them only took my money and they didn’t do anything. Each time I tried one, for some reason, I was still searching for other casters until I found Aisha’s web site. I took a couple of days to read this guest book, then I decided to order an Amun Ra hex and curse removal (to clean all spells before), a Cleopatra spell to get my lost lover back and one for my business. Aisha lifts me up in deep despair , gives me the happiness for my love life I thought I never get with my bad karma. With my business spell, i just lit the second candle but I saw some results that made me trust in Aisha 100%.

People out there, Aisha is the real authentic spell caster, she is the best in this world, only Aisha can change your life .

Ms Aisha, I own you this life, I have never ever been happy and joyful like right now. You are an Angel sent from God to help human beings .

God bless you and your daughters !

Cali, HB

I know it’s going to work

Hello, I just ordered my spell and I know it’s going to work.

I love mother Aisha. You are my angel and reading your emails is giving me blessings every day. I’m suppose to receive my talisman next week 🙂

Hope, Louisiana