Last updated: Tuesday, March 25th 2025
Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.
Things are getting better and better
It really works!
I am dancing around my computer all day long because he proposed to me. Yes, he proposed to me and we are only back together since 2 weeks.
Ever since Aisha cast the Cleopatra spell things are getting better and better.
Those of you that had the Cleopatra spell know what I mean and the other ones should not wait to get it.
I have never been so happy in my life, and it is all thanks to Aisha.
Seeing results already
I’m seeing results already i wish id gone to Aisha first with this, I’m definitely buying two more spells when this deal is fully sealed.
Louise, England
Very unique experience
I had to write to tell you about my very unique experience: When I got a divorce and my husband moved out, I kept feeling his energy in the apartment even long after he had left. It bothered me so much that I considered moving, but I like where I live, and I wanted to stay and not be run off by his negative energy. I knew something like this would be online, but I had no idea who Aisha was; I am just so lucky to have found her. One cleansing spell of my apartment, plus a Talisman for my use, as well, and there is nothing left of my ex’s energy at ALL! Many thanks!
Mia, USA
You changed my life
The best decision I’ve ever made was to purchase Aisha’s spell. It changed my life completely.
Your Cleopatra Spell is the only spell that ever worked for me
It is so unbelievable that everything worked out exactly the way I wished for. He called me 3 days after I received the Talisman, we met for lunch and everything else is history.
The circumstances that led to our break up in the first place were so complex and difficult that we did not talk for over a year. I initiated contact on several occasions but he never responded back and even hung up the phone on me.
I do not know how you were able to change his mind but he is so lovely and understanding and does not dwell on the past. It is all about the future now… our future… and he talks about marriage, children, vacations and where we should live together.
Your Cleopatra Spell is the only spell that ever worked for me. I’ve tried many spells from other spell casters before. They were much cheaper and I can only assume that true spell work has it’s price because the results are so so so so worth it.
Thank you Aisha!
Nes, Singapore
Thank you Aisha
I must say that Aisha is the best. I have order a love spell in 2005 and saw results quickly. My husband and I have been happy every since. I know he is happy because he tells me all the time. I also ordered a money spell in 2008 I have received three raises since first raise i received was a 8,000 increase and then a 2000 increase shortly after and right after that , i received a 17,000 increase. I just sent off for the Cleopatra spell I will post once I get results. I am a very impatient person so I understand when you want to see results right away, what I have learned with using this service is to make sure your hand written letter is detailed to what you really want.
Thank you Aisha
Happy Lady, DC
Aisha never disappointed me
If you are looking for something that does work don’t despair. This is the real deal and Aisha can make it happen. I’ve been working with her for a long time and she never disappointed me.
Trust the universe
It is hard, to wait for something that , you really-really want. Like it is said you want something with all your heart you will pay dearly. For me it is the waiting, and i gave all my tears up.. no more i am empty like a well.
But i know there is something something that tells me.. while waiting.. not to give up.. there is something in this universe that will tie the bonds and make it alive and make it work for those who are like me in this situation and want only the best outcome.
Magical could be.. transparent as the naked eye can’t see. For i feel the invisible bonds of? The universe and the unknown doing it’s thing.. guiding us and protecting us and making our lives a bit better.There is no harm, i feel in wanting something so much and loving someone so much. Because i feel we are all here for a purpose to love -love and be happy. For those who don’t have anyone there is always someone out there. Trust the universe and the positivity that flows amongst the universe. For ther is something out there good so good we can’t touch, if we put all our energies in thinking goodness and happiness, it will overflow us and generate our hearts to beat a little faster- a little stronger and feel alive and go about life with a smile.Faith, good thoughts and last but not least PATIENCE is what we have to do. for ourselves, yet the last one to be so hard.. but the guides and the energies will float and seek us and help us with what we want and need.
I hope this helps.
Wish you happiness loads of love and health!
Butterfly28, USA
I believe in you Aisha
I believe in you Aisha I’m gonna be patience and believe Amun Ra will bring me my fiance back to me your my last hope.Im so excited to see my results I love him with all my heart and I need him badly. thank you Aisha all my respect to you.
It worked for me as well
It worked for me as well :-))))
Thank you Aisha and Thank you Cleopatra… the most wonderful thing has happened and the spiritual side-effects are just wooooonderful!
I love you and I do not know how to thank you. What you have done has made me happier than anything else before.
You are the best and I will definitely work with you again.