Last updated: Wednesday, March 12th 2025
Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.
Empower Yourself
One thing I have discovered is that if you really want something, then the irony is that you actually repel it. For example, you sometimes need to let love go in order for it to come back or alternatively find a better love that will ensure your spiritual growth. Nothing happens in nature without something better replacing it. If you stop hanging onto to something or someone you love; it doesn’t mean that you don’t love or care for that thing/person; on the contrary it shows that you respect it/them and therefore you allow space for yourself to grow and let better things into your life or even the thing/person that you once let go because you were able to see the ‘the bigger picture’. By sending out love to those who have hurt you emotionally, you are empowering both yourself and the other person and you will find that your love you sent out and multiplied and returned to you. I have found that just by sending loving thoughts to people that you increase their desire to send loving thoughts back to you. The key message is however to let go of any negative emotions you have by imagining yourself sending them love. By doing this, you are expressing self-love which in turn will create space for others to love you too. Thanks for reading my entry.
Love Ed UK
Isis Spell to bring my Husband back
After reading Fatima’s message I guess I have to post an update.
I have had an Isis Spell in April to bring my husband back who was living with another woman at this point. He told me that our marriage was over and that he wouldn’t come back even if the relationship with this woman would not work out.
I told me many times that he felt nothing but guilt for me and my son. In April (I had not seen him in 9 month) I contacted Aisha, she cast her spell and first nothing happened.
First week, Second week, third week, fourth week, fifth week, sixth week – nothing, no phone call, no message – nothing.
I wrote Aisha and and after she looked in the energies she said that everything is going to work out, that the energies are strong and so on.
She was so right! Not even one week later my beloved husband contacted me, we met in a restaurant, had a good talk and we decided to give “our family” another try.
Thank you Aisha!
Sorry Fatima for not posting earlier.
Talismans work
I have purchased more than one Talisman for different reasons. I have to say that the results actually worked out better for me than I planned. Because what I thought was right was straightened out for what was meant for me instead. Things worked out even better. Thank you Aisha..
White Magic and Spirits
I would just like everybody to know that Aisha is a wonderful person. Not only that I consider her the most powerful witch that I ever met in my life, but I also consider her as my own friend. When she said she provide this service one -on -one basis, she really meant it. She was always there for all my concerns and my problems. I know that my wish will completely come true very soon. I think we are all here because we are all going through some difficult times, but it is good to know that I am not alone feeling this way. And I believe that is why she is here to help us and assist us. I am allowing spirits to take control over my life, because she is dealing only with white magic, and the only regret that I have is that haven’t met Aisha a long time ago. I love Aisha as she was my mother. I really mean this.
Ela, Toronto, Canada
Let the Spirits be in Control
The spell will not work if you do not let it. I am now finishing my third week. It is hard to let the spirits be in control. But when you do it will work, maybe not the way you wanted it to, but it will you will see. Sometimes other things have to be resolved first, and the spirits have to do that before they can bring you the entire wish. Bless you, It will work.
I will use spells
I find this website is very interesting and well prepared. Will be using it for my on personal needs very soon.
Shelia Hobbs, Detroit, USA
I have tried other spells to no avail
I have tried other spells to no avail. I want nothing more than to have my husband back and for him to be the loving man he once was. I really hope you can help me!
B., Louisiana
Results in 2 Weeks
I have received my results 2 weeks after I’ve completed the instructions. Aisha is very powerful. When I held the fetish in my hands I felt it’s power and the warmth through my entire body.
Aisha is my last hope
After I have spent so much money without any luck in the past, I decided to try Aisha as my last hope. Seeing all these positive report makes me feel sure that my wish will come true as well
God bless you, Aisha
Aisha is extremely kind and gracious
If you are considering ordering a spell, I must tell you that Aisha Al Haadi Rahman is extremely kind and gracious. She is truly lovely. I have ordered a spell and am currently completing the instructions. I am in a stage of great sadness due to a break up with the person I love, but I take strength from reading all the happy stories in this guestbook. I trust in Aisha to help me with this problem and will let you know how it goes.