Last updated: Wednesday, March 12th 2025

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Indicators that the spell is working

Post #1:

On the first day I received the Talisman, I also received two indicators that this is finally going to be just the thing to help me!

A total stranger who knows my ex came up to talk to me while I was waiting in a shop and this young man ended up on the subject of my ex. He informed me of an event which I might attend to see if my ex chooses to speak to me there. We haven’t even spoken in a very long time – months

Right after I left the shop, me and my ex passed each other in our cars. This is a rare occurrence and seldom happens, but it happened the first day I had received the Talisman. Not only did we pass by each other, traffic lights on both sides stopped us in plain sight of one another. I didn’t look over, but I had that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you. Hopefully he noticed my car and saw me or thought about me.

I had a little accident with my spell Talisman after arriving at my home in all the giddiness I felt with the energies surrounding me to help, but Aisha is fixing everything and has been so very kind to me in this. The instructions are easy, but I was careless this first day I had the Talisman and was paying attention to the spell energies as this was such a new feeling to feel. Now I have only to wait until the work begun is began again and there is more such good news to tell.

Thank You Aisha!!! I am so grateful to have found you!

I felt an abudance of loving energy in our home

I completed the Power Ritual last weekend. I did a previous note but there is so much to tell about the spell and its effectiveness that it would be a missed opportunity not to share the truth. I live with a man but we live separate lives. I love him but he doesn’t want commitment and dates any woman he can. I see God (Goodness) in him that is why I chose to believe that our love would survive. I am “slightly” sensitive/intuitive and during the Power Ritual I felt an abundance of loving energy in our home. The air that surrounded me was very warm and humid especially at night. My room was at least 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the house. My son and my “husband to be” 🙂 noticed it. A few nights, in particular, it was very cool and rainy , I had my ceiling fan on and both windows open, but, my room was still warmer than the rest of the house. I was warm also. My feet and lower leg was so hot one evening it felt like was standing near a fireplace. And, my feet tingled, it was definitely otherworldly stuff, because there wasn’t anything physically hurting. It felt spiritual!!! The experience I mention next, I also had when I did the Isis Spell. I had night sweats which were noticeable but, didn’t soak me yet, once the spell was over, I was no longer affected.

My child and my ex did not get along. My son didn’t want to ever share me. Great tension existed between them. I did not share this with Aisha. But, my son told me that he woke up and his pillow was very wet. I said to myself, this is the Spell. None of us have issues that make us sweat, we are healthy. Most importantly, my child and my ex are now getting along very well. I didn’t even tell her about this problem and it was resolved.

My Beloved invited me out to lunch everyday this week. If you only knew how strange this is for him. Today, he acted as though he couldn’t bare to leave my side and go back to work. He was patient and kind. He usually reserves lunch and dinner dates for all his many female conquest. He is not a horrible person, he is running from commitment, scared he might miss something, scared of change. He didn’t factor in that he would meet someone who believed in him. Love is the strongest emotion. I will keep you informed to tell you about our wedding announcement. Bless Aisha and all the loving spirits that support love.

Please note: each of us will have our own unique experience through the Isis and Power Spells, and it may not be the same as mine. I am thankful for experiencing the presence of Love during my spell work. No one asked me to write this. It is important to share, I hope someone will read this and be comforted in knowing it is an opportunity to realize the pure Goodness that exist in the Universe. Its okay not to have all the answers, and we can get support from others.

B, usa

Reunite with the Love of my Life

Hi Everyone,

I’m suffering from a devastated broken heart as many of you have. This has been the most difficult experience of my life. My loved one has allowed his negativity to win over our very deep love. Now, he doesn’t want to speak with me and avoids me like the plague. The first time I truly felt good and hopeful was when Aisha first responded to me. It was like heaven had responded to my prayers. I believe she can help me reunite with the love of my life. If you have gotten your wish, please continue to write in the guestbook so that those of us who are awaiting our miracles can see what amazing spell work Aisha is capable of doing. I promise I will write again and let you know how my Power Ritual Combo works for me.

Love and Peace to all of you.

S., US

She was begging me to give her another chance

I am gay, and happened to be proud of it. My lover of 5 years just left me one day. I was devastated, and my heart was torn to microscopic pieces. I later found out that she was stolen from me, by my so called best friend Alison. she told Jennifer so many lies about me.

I could not eat nor function for months, until one of my co-workers gave me Aisha’s website address. I contacted her, told her my story and I was still skeptical. To make this story short, she recommended the power combo ritual for my situation. She cast the spell for me, I received my Talisman and ten days later, Jennifer and Alison broke up. Jennifer came to my job, apologized to me and begged me to give her another chance. I first thought that I was dreaming, but it was no dream. The woman that i would do anything for is suddenly begging me to give her another chance. I was floored. Oh my god! Aisha’s spells do really work. Till this day i do not know how to thank Aisha. But the least I can do, is sign this guest book with my true story.

My baby and I are planing to get married. Even gay people need help with love. So if you are gay and are having problems like mine, you’ll know what to do now.

Peace, love and happiness for all

Colleen, City of Angles, America

Love Spells are Beautiful

It’s true. I tried Aisha’s spell casting services and they work perfectly. I had a love spell and I live with the person. The same day I received the Talisman from the Isis Spell, he was enraptured. Couldn’t stop touching me, and smiling at me, and being in my presence. And, he wanted to be with me every minute. Which is completely the opposite for him. He was definitely not happy with me and didn’t give me the time of day, any day!!! Well, pay attention because if you don’t follow the instructions for the Talisman carefully you will break the spell just like I did but, the instructions are very easy. I was playing around with the Talisman too much. I am now in the last few days of the love power ritual. I am slightly sensitive/intuitive, I immediately felt pure and absolute love surround me. It felt like all the Love there ever was!!! I felt like someone was giving me a deep massage, I was extremely relaxed and at peace. Aisha’s witchcraft is beautiful. It is truth. I almost cried with joy from some of my experiences I had while she was doing the spell work. I am at peace because I believe this is the right and best thing for me. I am so grateful that Aisha and all the beautiful loving spirits support love.

Blessed Be.


Website inspires confidence

Prompt responses to all my e-mails, most of which were sent before ordering, which I’ve just done. A well-laid out website that inspires confidence.

Spell starts working

Hello to all,

I am in the 2nd week of the Power combo Ritual. Today I have received the first call from my loved one after 9 month. The spell starts working and it is a weired feeling. I am very happy, yet amazed. He asked me out for Friday and I cannot wait to see him. He left me for another woman 2 years ago. He cut off all ties with me and I have not seen him in 14 month nor talked to him in 9 month. He said that he missed me and felt that urge to call me / see me. He said he had realized that he had done a big mistake leaving me and would love to see me.

Must be the spell.

Thank you Aisha you are truly amazing


Listen to your Inner Voice


first I would like to ask ED from the UK something. I think what you say is absolutely right, so are you encouraging us to let Aisha help us or not? Because if you let nature take its course totally alone then we should all not be here. If you never take initiative in your life for nothing, life will pass you by and you will always have the feeling you have no control over your fate. But you do! God gave us a brain to think. What I agree with is, since sometimes certain things or situations need help of outside forces to get fixed we should all be here with love in our heart and not just let spells be cast on a selfish based emotions. That is why Aisha asks us to be very sure what we want. Everybody should take some time off every day to listen to the inner voice, it will tell us what we want and what we need.

For my part I feel very positive energy every time I visit this website.

I will let Aisha help me with a Power Ritual Combo since my situation is very complicated. I will keep you posted!

Blessing to all of you. 🙂

Gisi, Germany

Great site

Great site, Aisha

I love it and I recommend everybody to visit this site.


Aisha is a wonderful person

What a wonderful person you are. I’ve just sent you flowers to thank you.

You are my angel.

T., L.A.