Last updated: Wednesday, March 12th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Spell for my Job and Career

I recently had Aisha do a spell for me for my job. I must say it worked with flying colors. My main objective was to keep my job because there was a possibility of salary cuts and layoffs. Well, things worked out fine. Not only am I secure in the job, but the salary cuts did not affect me or the persons in my department. No raises in sight, but at least the good news is things will stay the same otherwise.

Now as for the earlier email about the woman in the UK, is there another woman in that group whose name begins with “T”? I’m curious.

My results

Overwhelmed and very happy with results

This is in response to green eyes from USA. If you read the former most recent messages in the guestbook, people have mentioned their results and it should tell you from their emails that they are overwhelmed or very happy with their results. As for the most recent of the messages, people are undergoing the final stages or the middle of the spell; it would take some time and patience for the results to show. i guess the most important thing is to have confidence, in Aisha’s spell; I mean so many of the entries in the guestbook should give you an idea. I guess the most important thing is Faith and belief in yourself. Remove the fear from within you and stop doubting. Love is the strongest magic of all; your willpower and determination in loving and getting your loved one back is the single most essential ingredient for any spell to work. Have confidence that it will and it WILL work. I guess most of all, is to remove the fear within and trust in yourself and Aisha. I have ordered my love spell from Aisha and I’m waiting. Everyday I grow stronger and the love for the person that I want so much back into my life has increased. I guess most beautiful magic comes from within; believing in ourselves and our love.


The spell work Aisha is doing for me…

I think my last post was too long for the website – the first time I wrote an extremely long post I got an error message, so I’m trying again as I promised to post updates. Just wanted everyone to know that I received my fetish two days ago. The first day before I had even gotten it out of my mail slot, I saw my ex-boyfriend when I haven’t seen him in person in ages. I felt this small thing was a good sign. This man that I love started dating someone new and ended even our friendship which was all that was left after he broke up with me several years ago. I had tried so hard to keep him as my friend. For now, I wait for him to decide to love me again instead of this new girlfriend. She spoke to me on the phone and she was terribly cruel, it has been a hard few years missing this man I spent years with and the words this younger new girl chose to speak to me and her tone replay in my head still. I can’t wait for the spell work Aisha is doing for me to change this situation so that the man I still love will love me again. I only pray that I can be kind and considerate of this new girlfriend’s (soon to be ex-girlfriend’s) feelings if ever she tries to speak with me again even though she was so horrible to me when she chose to talk to me as she did a few months ago. That’s all for now, but every good sign helps to encourage you all hopefully! Take care all, thank you Aisha, I’m very grateful for all you’ve done for me.

*, USA

Great feeling that this will be it

Uh man… I have recently contacted Aisha to do a Combo Love Spell for me.

In reading all of the post in the guest book I have a Great feeling that this will be it. I have been in Love with this man since we were in high school and I just days ago turned 35. We have been on and off for 19 yes Nineteen Years. He married in 94 but continued to contact me and see me at our leisure … I recently married but never cheated on my husband as he did his wife…However, unfortunately I realized after only two years of marriage I truly still Love this Old Flame from high School. The husband I have is Wonderful and it is no fault of his but I am not in Love with him as I am with the other man of 19 years.

I feel like I’ve gotten myself in to some big trouble here and really wish I would have met Aisha sooner… I pray she will help me and believe me I will let you all know … Everyone please remember K from stockton… As I will let you ALL know how my story turns out…

Thanks and Hopefully you will all hear good news from me soon.


K From Stockton

Witchcraft Love Spells are not evil

Hello, just the other day I came across an article that someone wrote, and the person had a very negative aspect on witchcraft saying it is ‘evil’. I do not know what the big deal is about and why people cannot accept things open minded. People can practice anything as long as it does not harm anyone or anything in nature. As for being concerned with manipulating someone through a love spell, you are not causing any harm to the other person; but the other person is experiencing the feelings of love and compassion and appreciation which are wonderful feelings. Believe me, there are far worse cases of manipulating somebody in a relationship whether it be playing with feelings, emotions and most of all, taking advantage of somebody because you know they love you. These aspects are itself evil. We all come here with love in our lives; the desire to love and to be loved in return. There is nothing evil about that. We should take initiative about how to solve our problems. too many people in this world just sit back and accept what life throws at them;saying it is ‘fate’ or destiny’. I have been one of those people. i’m lucky to find Aisha’s website and truly grateful she does wonderful things.


Spells and Witchcraft

Hi to you all,

this is in response to some of you who have spent a lot of money in the past for spells and witchcraft but nothing happened. Before I came across Aisha’s website, i was going to order a spell from a warlock. He was so brief about everything and I was always so scared if I should put money and my faith in him. Thank God i didn’t make this person do the spell for me, otherwise I would’ve wasted a lot of money for nothing. God has shown me the path to Aisha and I was lucky enough to bring my first request to her (I never had any other spells done by anyone else before). Unfortunately, my parents had found out that I had a fascination for Aisha’s witchcraft and my mom is very religious. I would have been scared before, but I know that Aisha is doing nothing wrong; she uses white magic so that we can help ourselves. I guess I would never come to this website if it was filled with black magic and voodoo because by hurting somebody else, you will be hurt in return and it never brings any happiness at the end. I am more confident each day and I completely rely on her and her spells; it has improved my life dramatically. I do not have the fear that I used to have; my self esteem has gone up and I feel rejuvenated. One of the most important things that Aisha has said is that ‘what goes around comes around’ This is so true and I guess she surrounds her work with this philosophy and this motto. I feel I can trust her and she is my friend. By doing such good to others, she receives much love in return which many people in this guestbook will remember her for. Please continue to do the work that you are doing. I only wish I could see you in person.


Keep your Partner Faithful

I ordered a Talisman to keep your partner faithful and received it two days ago. Today I received emails from him telling me how much he loved me and how he wasn’t involved with anyone else other than me. This is amazing especially as he used to ignore me everytime I asked him if he was cheating. He is never this compassionate and caring about our relationship, he was never this emotional. I only hope this continues. I have ordered a love spell from Aisha and I’m so confident that everything will work out wonderfully. Please, to all of you waiting for your results, do not despair. I merely ordered a Talisman and this is the result i received. We all deserve to be loved and the feeling is wonderful. i want to thank Aisha for the amount of happiness she brings to people. I am more confident now and my life is better jsut by this. I know things will only get better. Thank you so much Aisha, thank you so much.


Aisha is incredibily supportive

My boyfriend left me for the second time 3 months ago. No one will ever know the trauma and abuse he put me through. I thought I lost Josh for good and out of desperation, I contacted a woman in the UK to help me get him back. Well since the UK woman began working for me, my situation has only gotten worse. I contacted Aisha and told her my story. She has been so incredibly supportive even though someone else is working on my behalf. I will never forget the first email I received from her. I was astounded. I can’t explain it but what she said to me in that email I carry with me wherever I go and every time I feel down I just remember what she wrote me and it gives me strength. I spend everyday reading this guest book and looking at the results of others. It is such an inspiration for me. Right now, I have spell work in progress with someone else and I’ve decided to wait till after the completion of that work (after all I did pay for it-an arm and a leg that is). In the meantime I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my situation and making sure that this is what I REALLY want. I told Aisha I would contact her next month so she can begin work for me. I’m looking forward to it =)

Love always,

Marisa, USA

Getting Better

For all of you:

The moment I have met Aisha, it is going better with me, cause she is my hope, and because she is our angel.

I wish she receives as much love as she is giving us.

Babymel, DH, Holland

Aisha made a believer out of me

I must admit, I was really skeptical at first. my husband of 10 years, out of the blue, just decided that he did not want to be married to me any more.

I was devastated, i mean this is the man i catered to, loved and cherished since the day we met. one morning he called me in the bedroom and told me that i was a great wife and mother but he did not want to stay married to me.

He shattered my heart into microscopic pieces. He gave me no reason at all.

I pleaded with him to reconsider but he would not hear of it. Not even a week later, I contacted Aisha and informed her with my problem. She told me not to worry and that she felt confident that she will save my marriage with her spell work. I sent her everything she asked for. About 10 days later I received my talisman. That same night, I had this strange dream, it was so vivid, till this day I can swear it was real. In this dream, I was sitting in the living room and crying, suddenly this woman whom I have never seen or known hands me a napkin and told me to wipe my tears and be happy. She said with an accent, don’t worry J is not going to leave you. Why don’t you go upstairs and get some sleep. Let me worry about your problem…I got up and went upstairs to my bedroom, as i opened the door and walked inside, there she was standing by my bed and throwing flowers all over my bed, the whole bed was full of flowers the entire room smelled like a bouquet of jasmines. I asked her what was she doing…she smiled and signaled for me to come to bed, so I did. She looked at me like a mother would look at her child when he or she is in trouble and she said. Go to sleep, you will get what you want.

I woke up the next day and thought nothing of it.

11 days went by and still no word from J

I drove the kids to school and came back home, and decided to take a nap, I went upstairs and opened the bedroom door… OH my god, there was the love of my life J standing by the bed. And it was full of flowers just like in my dream. All he kept saying was…I don’t know what’s gotten into me… I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, I really love you, Michelle.

We made love and the rest was history.

Till this day, I do not know how to thank Aisha, I even sent her a check and told her it was a gift, she returned it to me with a little note, and it reads like this: Dear Michelle

I am glad that you got your results. The work I did for you, you’ve already paid for. This check you could give it to someone in need. Or to your favorite charity. Take care and be well. I am here for you…

What a woman…you made a believer out of me, you have proven me wrong, Thanks a million, Aisha

Michelle, East Coast