Last updated: Thursday, March 13th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Aisha cast a love spell for me

Aisha cast a love spell for me on 10/19. I saw my ex for the first time 10 days later, and I could tell something changed. We are taking it slow, but I look forward to continued results. Thanks so much Aisha !! You are the best.

K., T., USA

Nothing worked for me until I found Aisha

Before finding Aisha, I tried all kind of things.

I am here to send a message to a great person. I am in love with the man who broke up with me, not because of me, more because of him. From one day to another he thought he was not yet ready for a relationship. To make the story short he left me heartbroken.

Well, all so called healers, witches, spell casters … nothing worked for me.

One day while I was browsing on the internet I found this incredible page and person “Aisha”. Before even thinking twice I ordered the power ritual and mailed the necessary things she needs to do the spell and talisman.

Even though I have received the talisman I have not yet heard from the man I love so much, it could be because the day I received it I had to leave the country for one week, because of family purposes, which means he was not able to contact me at all. But now I am back home and I only hope that everything will work out the way I wish to happen. During this time I have to learn to be patient. It is hard since that is my biggest weakness, I know. There are days I just want to cry all day because I miss him so much, but … time will give me answers. I hope soon.

I’ve learned from this guest book that if Aisha tells that it will work out then I do believe it will.

She is always there for me, always responding to my e-mails. Aisha – thanks for helping me. God bless you.

I’ll post to all of you as soon as I have some results.

M., CH

Her spell really does work

I had Aisha do a Power Ritual Combo for me. My spell was cast on Oct. 19-25 and I received my Talisman on Oct. 31 =) The day before I got my talisman, my Ex started to contact me slowly. And he even began to tell me he loved me, this is surprising, considering 5 months ago he told me he didn’t love me anymore and found me disgusting =( Yesterday was my 21st birthday =) and I was VERY sad because I wanted to spend this special day with him. I stayed home hoping he would call or come over and spend this special day with me or at least wish me “happy birthday”. When night time fell, I got VERY sad. I took a nap after I cried for hours. I was awoken by the knock of the door. I opened the door and to my surprise was my Ex! He spent the remainder of the night with me just cuddling and talking in my bed. It was wonderful just being in his arms! Just by him showing up at my door, made my whole night. I can’t wait till he’s permanently back into my life. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Aisha for all her help. HER SPELL REALLY DOES WORK!

A Young Girl In Love =)

Trust in her spells and spell work

I had the same experience. A few days before I received the talisman in the mail, the man I wrote to Aisha about called me 2-3 times a day just to say hi and see how I was doing. That was also unusual for me because he lives out of state and rarely called me before. When I checked the postmark on the envelope the talisman was in, it coincided with the day he started calling. The first two days that I had the talisman, I had almost the same dream, as if he was right there with me. It was very strange because it felt so real! Aisha has been there for me all the way. Trust in her spells and spell work and all will be well.

Nikki, USA

I see my final final results

I am here to send a message across about the most beautiful person I have met in my life, who helped me change my life throughout. I am sooooo in love with the man who left me, leaving me heartbroken and miserable like I never though possible. I was not fortunate to find Aisha right away, so I went to all different kind of places to magicians, witches, spell casters and web site so called healers and nothing worked for me. Me and my boyfriend broke up in a way that left me wondering if He will ever remember me not to mention that I though he will never talk to me again. One day I was crying so hard, I was even thinking of suicide because I couldn’t imagine life without this man. While I was crying and browsing on the Internet I found Aisha. I didn’t believe too much, but I sent an email and she responded the next day. She did regular love spell for me and after a few months a power ritual spell. I start getting results. first we started with simple email jokes and now we are like best friends. I am totally astonished. There is only one small step to be completed before I see my final final results. Everything is kind of working out, but during this time I had to learn how to be patient. I have to tell you the whole process wasn’t fast. Sure you will get some results after a few weeks (Aisha is not lying you really get results so fast) but results are maybe small and not exactly what you are expecting at the moment) but it will happen. I had to learn how to control my emotions. It is hard I know. There were times when I just wanted to cry all day because I miss him so much, but in the spirit world they don’t know for time-such a thing does not exist.

Aisha does not lie like the others. If she told you that it will work out believe me it will. She is not trying to sell you anything, in fact when she did the regular spell for me she said that’s enough, but I was the one who insisted on power ritual. That tells me a lot about the person.

She was always there for me, always responded to all my emails, never left me dying in pain, because she knew that I needed her support. I wanted to say to all of you guys that if you are thinking of getting love spell or anything from Aisha, I swear to God Aisha is the right choice. If she says that she can help she will.

Aisha-you are always in my prayers, you are the best, I love you like my own mother.

I’ll post it again……..soon


Love Problem resolved

Hi, Aisha helped me with my love problem. My boyfriend and I are together and crazy with each other now, THANKS to Aisha.  I just made another order, this time to ask her for my financial problem, I know, all is going to be okay again with me.

Thank you Aisha, for being there for me, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Love Spell and Money Spell

Hello everybody

I had promised myself that I would wait as long as necessary before I made an entry into this guest book. The reason being that, I wanted to report only a final, positive result and not what one goes through while waiting for it to happen. However, I now realise that it is equally important to exchange experiences and one should try to support each other. Each case is different. Some take longer than others and this is when it can get really difficult.

This wonderful lady (words fail me to describe her) has done two spells for me, Love spell and more recently, a Money spell. I will not write about the details of my long, sad and painful love story yet. This I keep for the future to tell you what Aisha is capable of doing, for I believe that it will happen.

When I received the love talisman I had very little idea as to what to expect, apart from what I had read in the guest book, such as an incredibly strong energy coming from it. Well, nothing like that happened to me. Then I asked Aisha questions, trying to find out how the spell works. Aisha is an incredible person and answers all my e-mails. Now I have a much better understanding and also quite different expectations to what I had in the beginning.

Now, although I said I did not experience any power from the fetish directly when I held it in my hand, after a few weeks I started to feel a strange power inside me. I felt my heart rate increasing, almost as if it would burst any second. During this time my love for my ex-lover became so strong that I thought the spell was working but perhaps on the wrong person! I don’t know yet why this happened the way it did, but I do believe that there is a reason behind everything which we experience while the spell is in power.

The results of the Money spell were much quicker, almost a matter of days. I had asked for a quicker development in my business. Suddenly, alternative people expressed an interest in my projects, appointments which took ages to organise were brought forward. Have I become a millionaire over night ?? NO, because this is not what I had asked for. I only wanted to see positive results for my hard work rather than permanent obstacles.

I learn a lot from Aisha, such as patience, my own vulnerability and I am able to see for myself that not everything might be plain sailing. She told me that sometimes delays such as those in my business can have beneficial effects for me and it happened exactly how she said it. During one delay, I met an alternative.

I still have to have patience with both spells, but at least I have found hope through Aisha. I went through an awful phase where I did not know how to carry on with normal, daily life. I wouldn’t have come out of it by myself without Aisha’s help. In every reply, there is one word, one sentence which touches my heart so deeply. For example, she is the only one who told me that she will get me the love I need because she thinks I “deserve” it.

I do believe in her, her powers and her spirits. I can feel that we will all get our results one day or another if she says we will. Let us not lose hope and let us not to forget to write into Aisha’s guest book. Those already fulfilled wishes keep the rest of us going.

Love to you all

One of You, Doesn’t Matter

The Best

I think this is the best site I have seen in years!

Crystal, Winnipeg, Manitoba


I am so happy that my dreams will come true through this amazing woman. I love her, I am going to send my order tomorrow. I know it was God helped me find this website

Wish you all peace

Hope, CN

E-witch Scams

Hello Everyone

My name is Charles A. Heinz. I’m an investigative Journalist / Writer.

Three years ago, I have embarked on an investigative journey to accumulate solid facts and root out the truth regarding witchcraft; it’s authenticity and the people behind it.

My book is called: “E-WITCH SCAMS” and it is about to be published this late November 2002. In this book I expose all those that claim to have some kind of supernatural powers, how they operate, and how they swindle you out of your hard earned money.

My main target was the Internet. I have browsed the web, and spent $40,369 buying spell kits, voodoo dolls, herbs, oils, talismans, powerful spells, potions… you name it and I have bought it. This was for the sole purpose of my book’s research. However I did actually have a love problem and I was using it as the corner stone of my research. My wife of five years had left me… I have tried several hundreds of love spells, rituals and potions, but to no avail. As I was not surprised nothing worked.

Every witch, psychic, spiritual worker, spell caster that are operating on the Internet had made my scam artist list. Except one, her name is Ms. Aisha. This woman is truly unbelievable, the only one who actually solved my real problem. Thanks to her my wife and I are back together.

Ms. Aisha had delivered what she’s promised. I was floored, shocked, amazed to actually prove that witchcraft does work…and that there is this profoundly kind, caring woman, who is spiritually powerful and actually exists. Her sole goal is to help.

In conclusion: Whenever you are in need of any spiritual healing don’t waist your time or money on the con artists that are out there. They will do nothing for you but take your money; I know that for I have lived it. Go directly and at once to this humble and kind woman. She will expedite your requests in a rapid pace.

Ms. Aisha you are truly amazing. God bless you and your family. Please read my Book when it comes out. Your are the only one who is highly praised, the rest of the scum are truly exposed.

Please tell her that Charles A Heinz sent you. I never told her what I was doing for a living.

Please don’t forget to read my book. “E-WITCH-SCAMS”

Charles A. Heinz, Chicago, USA