Last updated: Tuesday, March 25th 2025

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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Magic does work!

I have to be honest, I have never believed in Magic, spirits or whatever you want to call it. I never thought that destiny can be manipulated through spiritual means. I have never imagined my self writing about such a thing, but I guess you have to give credit when credit is due. Ms. Aisha, Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have made a believer out of me. Yes, I can’t believe that I am saying this, But yes, Magic does work, oh my god, I am still speechless!

Hello every one my name is Diane and I don’t believe in anything. If I can’t see it, feel it, touch it then it’s not real. That’s just my philosophy.

In October of last year my boyfriend James dumped me for no reason at all. He couldn’t even give me an answer as to why he was ending our relationship. He just ended it. He claimed that he needed to focus on his music and that he wasn’t able to offer me what I truly needed from a guy. He just ended it as if I were nothing.

It deflated me a great deal, I lost sleep, and appetite. It was very hard on me. I never expected James to dump me, I thought that he truly loved me. I mean I was his girl for five years, we never had any problems. And then one day he tells me that his music means more to him than me or anything else in this whole world, and that he needed to be free and to do as he pleased. He said that we should part ways, and we did. I couldn’t breath without him, I couldn’t function.

Even lost my job and I didn’t care. I sent him love letters telling him how I truly feel about him and that I was willing to wait for him. He never wrote back. He crushed me in every aspect. I called so many psychics just to find out that they were nothing but scammers. Well it is true, I’ve been scammed due to my stupidity and lack of research. Well that all ended when I contacted Ms. Aisha. I didn’t believe her when she said that James was seeing another woman and that she was his Ex and that she has a strong hold on James. So she recommended an Amun Ra love spell. I sent her all the materials she needed to cast my spell and about twelve days later Fed Ex Delivered my Talisman. The minute I touched that talisman My hand got very warm and a bit sweaty. I remember it like it was yesterday. The warmth gradually traveled through my body. It was so real even I couldn’t deny it. That same night I had a very vivid dream about a ring, a green ring which I have found in this yellow box, and inside the box a picture of James…it was the weirdest dream I have ever had. About a week or so later my door bell rang, I opened it and it was James holding that same yellow box which I saw in my dream. He proposed to me right there and then. We are now husband and wife.

Oh I forgot to mention that James confessed to me about his ex and that they are done for good and that I am his only. Ms Aisha you were right from the get go. I trust you with my life.

Ms. Aisha I love you with all my heart!!!

Diane, T.

My woman is back in my arms!

Lady Aisha, My Dear you run a superb first class spiritual service. Who in their right mind could possibly deny that you are indeed the best spell caster ever! I have tried them all, and the truth must be told here and now. You are the most powerful witch I have ever met!!!

A week ago I returned my talisman back to nature as per your instructions. I was a bit depressed since it has been almost three weeks since you cast my love spell, and no sign of Lisa. On my way to work, guess who I bumped into? Lisa!!! She looked so good, beautiful as ever. My heart was beating too fast, and I was the happiest man on the planet. I got to see her exactly as you told me (you will cross paths when you least expect it) that’s exactly what happened my lady Aisha!!!

She hugged me and kissed me. She was so happy to see me. we both didn’t make it to work that day. We had the best day of our lives, and had the greatest sex ever. She asked me to be her man again and this time for the long haul. Your power combo love spell was the best money I have ever spent.

My woman is back in my arms! You are my goddess lady Aisha!
May you live forever, you brought true happiness into my life.

Marc B., FL

Things are going good

I’ve been a client of Aisha for a year or so. First she helped me with a job situation and 2 months ago I asked her to help me with a love dilemma I had. I like and love a man that is not easy to get, he is been a loner all his life, and now we are in this “relationship” call friendship and more…

Well I asked for an Isis spell at first, a couple of weeks went by and I realized that things were in fact improving. To speed things up I added the Cleopatra spell.

All this time it was hard to wait for results, it’s only a couple of days since the talisman got here.

Things are getting so much better now. He is opening up and is talking about long term commitment, including marriage. This is like a 360 change from how he behaved before the spells.

So things are going good. I am full of hope and I can see that it is working. Glad I added the other spell I really needed it for my own sanity. Aisha says that all is going to work out and I can see that now.


I just want to say that this WORKS!

I just want to say that this WORKS! I had a PRC done and my problem seemed complex but I am happy to say that everything came together. It involved money as well. Now, everytime I buy a lotto ticket I win (it might not be big) but I am still winning, which is great. EVERY TIME!

Just trust and be patient and everything will come together.

7 Days with the Cleopatra Spell

My name is Loretta and last year I lost my husband to my so called best Friend Paula. I came home one day in the middle of the day and found my husband making love to my so called best friend. I made a big scene and police was called. It was very ugly. My husband filed for divorce and that was the end of it.

My so called best friend relocated with my man to florida, living happily ever after as if nothing had happened. It was the worst year of my life. not only did I lose my husband but I was scammed by fake spell casters and practitioners. My bank account was almost depleted. I still kept looking until I have found a real witch. I was sick and tired of false promises, lies, deception you name it. These con artists even award them selves phony awards in order to look legitimate. But Now I know because I am an educated consumer. Please don’t get played like me. If the spell caster is not asking for bio samples and is not going to be sending you a charged talisman then you are dealing with a fake, a con artist. Be very carful out there.

When I found Ms. Aisha I was a skeptic at first but when she asked me to send her some of my hairs and nail clippings I knew i was dealing with the real deal. She also asked for my address so that she can ship my talisman once it was charged. She recommended a customized Cleopatra spell.

Seven days after I received my talisman My husband broke up with Paula and tried to reconcile with me. He did everything he could to get me to forgive him and I finally did. I must admit I love the man. He profusely apologized for what he put me through. Paula was never seen or heard from again. I am very glad that she is out of our lives.

Thank you Ms. Aisha for getting rid of her. Your break up spell did exactly what it says. It broke them up in less than seven days.

I love and respect your work. I will always be your client.

Truly yours,


I highly recommend Aisha

I only wish to put forth another side to Aisha’s work. I’ve been dealing with many spell casters over the last 2 years and all of them guaranteed their results. Well, all of them were a no show. They took my money, gave me an email and then I never ever heard from them again. Not so with Aisha. My situation was very difficult. I do not want to get into many details. My case was love related, my lover left me, many negative forces worked against us. Aisha never guaranteed me anything but she was always there and worked relentless to make her come back to me. It took longer than in most cases but she made it happen. She grew on me like a mother and I am very blessed to have found her. She was my last try and I am so glad I went with her.

I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been going through with the scam spell casters. It’s not the money, it’s the heart break you endure when you realize that they were only after your money and never had the intention to help you in the first place. Please be careful whom you entrust your personal problems.

What I am trying to say is nothing is guaranteed in the magic world and you may come across some people that promise and guarantee all kinds of things. Don’t believe these guarantees, even the money back guarantees are worthless. No one ever gave me my money back. Be very careful with people from South Africa, Nigeria and Argentina, they are very cold hearted and will threaten you if you don’t continue to pay. All people should know that before their heart is broken to the point of no repair. It is not to say that spells can’t work, just that you have to be careful of whom you are working with and whom you entrust your most inner problems and wishes.

I highly recommend Aisha. She has proven to me that she is legitimate and truly cares about her clients. Don’t let anyone tell you anything else. She is the real deal.

Mike, CT

It is really working

I wanted to write to you and let you know that something incredible has happened. I received my talisman in the mail yesterday afternoon and I was totally excited about it. Then in the evening when I was mentally prepared to do the meditation I sat on my bedroom floor and held the talisman and focused on the return of my boyfriend. First I felt that warm energy going through my body… it went from my hand up to my shoulder and settled within my core. It stayed with me throughout the night and it was the most powerful spiritual feeling I’ve ever felt. Like someone holds your hand and covers you with a warm blanket. I went to sleep knowing that all will work out and I’ve not felt that positive ever since my boyfriend left me.

This morning I awoke to a wonderful sunny day, not even one cloud on the sky and the moment I stepped out of the shower my boyfriend called. He really called. I’ve not heard from him in almost 7 months and he called me less then 24h after I received the talisman??? This can’t be a coincidence.

OMG Aisha, I am so excited. We are not together as of yet but he asked if we could meet on the weekend. I could feel that he was not angry at me but really missed me and wants to see me. This totally changes everything. This totally is what I want and I am bursting out of happiness. I can’t believe that this is really working.

I love you, i love you, I love you, Aisha.

Best authentic spiritual service

I must admit I too was scammed But I learned the hard way. Ms Aisha you have the best authentic spiritual service out there.
you are honest since day one.
you ask for biological samples
names and birth dates
and you do charge your talismans.
I love how you Fed-EX them to me.
And your spells work!!!!
You have no Idea how happy you have made me!
Ruben is back home with me and the children! you are a true Gem Ms Aisha.

God bless,

Michelle S., Texas

I am a bit of a skeptic, I must admit

I am a bit of a skeptic, I must admit. It was very difficult to pay Aisha’s fees because I didn’t really have the trust in her. Not in her personally but in all spiritual workers that claim that they could help people with magic or energies. When I got my first time consultation I didn’t know what to do and talked to many people about hiring witches and spell casters. Anyone seemed to have an opinion on this matter. I contacted all spell casters that I could find online and was more confused than before. It was very difficult to find someone that would share an honest experience, positive or negative, with a spell caster. I believe the ones that get results don’t write a lot and those that claim to have negative experiences may not even be real people. I’ve contacted so many people through blogs and forums and at one point or another all of them offered me services or subscribed me (without my knowledge) to some email list to sell ebooks, secret spells or kits. This truly disturbed me. I receive at least 10-15 emails a day from spell casters that don’t even have websites and some of them share the same payment gateway with 20-30 other websites. Very suspicious. Most of these blogs and forums seem to be run by spell casters themselves to fool undecided souls such as myself. I came to the conclusion not to trust anyone but to go with my instinct.

At any rate, I did not respond to Aisha’s first time consultation until at least 2 to 3 months later, maybe even longer. The night before I wrote to her again I felt that urge that I needed to do something and Aisha’s website was the only site that made me feel something. Something that I can’t even describe in words… something spiritual and some great hope that my case could be solved. First thing in the moring I emailed her again and I am so glad I did.

At that point I had put all these doubts and fears behind me. I let go of it and completely submerged myself into the experience. I really wanted to be open minded and try it. To my surprise it worked better than I hoped for. There is magic, magic is real, magic helped me. My life took some sudden and unexplainable turns and all that I wished for came to fruition. Even today, more than 6 months later, I still embrace the feelings and the hope magic gave me. I also embrace Aisha, I am thankful that she helped me and directed the magic in the most beneficial way. She returned my husband. We had a very bad and ugly separation and divorce. There was no hope that we could ever reunite. Too many bad things had happened. My spell didn’t work overnight, it took a couple of weeks for things to improve, but they improved and all the negative things of the past were gone. This was truly magical. I don’t think many of you have such difficult cases but even in my case it worked and I am glad I didn’t let my overly-skeptic-personality prevent me from going on this wonderful journey. I am truly blessed, and so are you, because you have this wonderful woman Aisha in your life that will not disappoint you. Thank you for reading my experience and best of luck to you on your journey.

S., C.

I want you to cast my spell

Just found your home page its great, it looks like you folks do great service keep up the good work. I’ve just submitted a consultation request and can’t wait to hear from you. Praying that you will accept my case. I want you and only you to cast my spell. Thank you for considering my case.