I ordered an Amun Ra spell. And it has just been started. My situation is love based. Anyway, on the day after the spell was started I was sitting with a spiritual friend of mine. After about half hour she said to me, “I don’t know why but I’ve been told to tell you to look out for the solar energies as they will help me.” I was shocked, but understood what was meant. The first positive effects of my spell had shown themselves. I was so excited.

I’m like most of you, impatient and full of fear about losing that special someone for the rest of your life. But finding this site is the best stroke of destiny ever. You see I believe that fate is predefined but we can control our destiny. Aisha and her daughter Miriam are the most understanding people. They are angels from God. I feel so confident that my wishes will come true. I am now waiting patiently (which is very hard,) for my talisman to arrive. I’ll post again once my results start to come. All i can say is stay calm, positive and believe, everything you desire will them happen for you.

God bless you Aisha, my saviour.

Matt, England