Sadly, it would seem that one would need to rely upon magical forces and supreme ioeings in order to find authentic spell casting services and the reason for this is due to the fact that the limited number of practitioners who provide authentic magic are significantly outnumbered by the number of tricksters and con artists.

This does not mean to say that authentic witches do not exist, but what it DOES mean is that if you are eager to rely upon real practitioners then you will need to perform some due diligence before you hand over your money to the practitioner in question.

As a general rule of thumb, spell casters who provide genuine magic will be fully transparent, honest and forthcoming about what they do, how they do it, along with the fees that they charge. Providers of spell casting services will also be willing to provide a comprehensive and easy to understand breakdown of what they will be doing for you and what you are actually paying for.

A true spell caster will never try and pressure you into doing something you do not want to do, nor will they ever try and twist your arm to use them and only them. Indeed, rest assured, if any practitioner who alleges that they provide authentic spell casting services then proceeds to threaten you with dire consequences should you not hire them, then laugh it off and find someone else.

Honest spell casters will be fully open about whether or not they can actually help you. Too many practitioners promise the world to their clients, are ultimately unable to deliver, and then rather than trying to explain why things did not work out the way they could have or indeed should have, they then blame the customer or try and fleece them for even more cash.

You must understand that there are no guarantees in spell casting. Please get this idea off your head and in my opinion you should stay away from anyone that claims that they can guarantee their work.

A practitioner who provides genuine spells will first listen to your query, identify what it is you are actually wanting to achieve, and then determine whether it is realistic and achievable. If it is not, and if there is a potential alternative solution to your problem, then the spell caster will also be willing to advise you about them as well.

One of the surest ways to determine whether a practitioner offers authentic services is to deliberately ask them a question that you know that they cannot possibly achieve (such as breast enlargement spell, or a turning you into a vampire spell). Should the practitioner who claims that they provide real magic then claim that actually yes, they are able to do such spells, then walk away.

Some clients are not comfortable about asking questions of practitioners who claim that they provide true magic as they are worried that they will offend the practitioner. In reality, people who practice witchcraft are well aware that people may have problems or issues with what they are doing and so will go out of their way to put the doubtful customer at ease.

What you should expect from a Spell Caster and What Not

If you are not proficient in spell casting or don’t want to take the chance on doing a spell yourself, you may wish to hire a professional practitioner who does spells for you on your behalf. The fact of the matter is that there are good spell casters who will work hard for you and providers that are only after your money. Witches who work on the internet are more or less organized to help you get a spell cast.

If you are looking for an honest practitioner, you need to find one that has a very professional website that details the types of spells you might be looking for. Some free spells might also be offered to you for you to try yourself. You should be able to find a biography or introduction of the spell caster so you know who you are dealing with. There should be a physical address available. You should be able to read terms of service and a privacy policy. The provider should have a merchant account with which you will pay your bill. It’s all very professional and above board, similar to other professionals you hire through the internet. Stay away from Western Union.

Please take the time to actually read websites.

Lately I am receiving a lot of comments in my blog from people claiming to have had outstanding results from spells cast from practitioners that only have an email address and no website. Be VERY, very careful. These comments are submitted by spam robots that post these entries automatically in thousands of blogs at a time. These are not legitimate providers and only try to hunt down desperate people.

It should be free to consult with the practitioner and get an analysis of your issues from them. There should be proper information that details the prices for all rituals and spells they can do for you. If there aren’t any prices listed, this can be a bad sign and may mean the provider intends to overcharge you or take advantage of you.

Doing a spell with a professional caster can be complicated. He or she may want information from you, such as your date of birth and may need pictures of you or of loved ones. Pictures of potential love matches may need to be sent to the practitioner. Trust the professional to know what to do and how to get it.

You have to keep in mind that you are not actually casting the spell yourself but your hire an outsider that will have to connect you to the universe and to your wish. The circle of energies can not flow without you being invested with mind and spirit.

When it is time and all materials are gathered, the spellcaster will perform the spell and will tell you how the spell casting is going and when it will be completed. In all cases, you need to give the spell some time to work. It may take several hours or days for the witch to perform your spell and this may add to the cost. When it is done, talk to the witch about how long you should expect to have to wait. It can be in as little as a few hours or as long as a few months, depending on the spell and the will of the Universe.

It is a nice thing to let your spell caster know when the spell has come to fruition. When you receive the money you had wanted or get the love of your life from a love spell, it’s a good thing to let them know that you’ve been successful.

The spell caster’s job is to get the spell done and shouldn’t be to advise you on every step of the way after that. Spell casters have many spells to do and don’t have the time or inclination to take care of you in that way. Use them for the spell and expect success after that. However, they should be there for you if you have questions or concerns in regards to your case and especially when your spell is not working the way you wished for.

I hope this information sheet is helpful to you when dealing with witchcraft and magic services.

In conclusion:

  • Take the time to read practitioners websites.
  • Trust your inner voice.
  • If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.

If you want to learn more about magic, love spells and witchcraft please visit my blog

When a Spell Caster’s Spell  does not deliver results

Since talking about authentic spell casters I would also like to add that there are sometimes clients that refuse to read websites, refuse to listen to the practitioner and refuse to accept anything the spiritual realm has to offer. Even tough they engage in spells they have no belief in them.

It is a safe assertion to make that the idea of love spells and witchcraft are not concepts that are comfortably tolerated by many people even in this supposedly tolerant, democratic and open society that we live in and many people are attracted to spell casting for all the wrong reasons and other, repulsed by it by the same.

It would seem that critics of spell casting and practitioners who engage in the magic arts are ever vigilant for any sort of news of failure on the part of spell casters, the better for them to then stand on their soapbox and then condemn the magical arts and it’s practitioners as nothing more than cheap parlour tricks and trickery. These are the clients that order spells, do not follow instructions, do not communicate with the practitioner and then stand on their soapbox in blogs and forums, to let the world know what happened to them. From the very beginning they are not working WITH the practitioner, they are working against them, so it seems.

A common source of their ammunition is the issue of why love spells can fail.

Why some Love Spells Fail

Love spells are very popular aside from spells used to gain prosperity, wealth and relief from debt. Everyone wants love in its purest, most romantic form. When doing a love spell, you can have someone specific you are looking for or you can be looking for that elusive soulmate. The problem is that some love spells can fail and you are left wondering “why did it fail” and what to do about the problem.

If truth be known, love spells in general work very well. The success or failure of a spell, however, depends on a number of things. Magic is not a hundred percent effective and you need to look through the possible reasons why some rituals fail.

It is very important to understand that just because a spell didn’t produce the outcome you were wishing for, it is not automatically an indication that you were dealing with a fake spell caster.

First of all, you need to follow the spell caster’s instructions exactly and make sure you fully understand how the provider works. Some spells, especially when performed by young and inexperienced practitioners, can be very finicky in the way they operate so that the slightest variation on the spell can cause it not to happen very well. You must work carefully in partnership with your spell caster so that both you and the practitioner do what is necessary to make the spell happen.

You cannot have unrealistic expectations if you want a love spell to succeed. This means that you can’t expect to have your ex-lover knocking on your door tomorrow showering you with deep love and affection. Magic and witchcraft is a process, not a push-button kind of thing. Even though some clients receive very fast results, for the majority of clients results happen gradually.

The more your lover is already attracted to you, the faster they can produce results. The more negative feelings they feel for you, the longer they take.

There are no guarantees in magic. The will of the Universe has a lot to do with this and sometimes the Universe has completely different ideas about what you need, regardless of what you want. It’s not easy to accept but may be the case when some spells fail.

Imagine the person you are truly in love with is actually a very evil person and would be capable of harming you severely. The positive energies of the universe would never allow such a union because it already knows that you will suffer a great deal from it.

Don’t take any shortcuts with your spells. Do not rush the spell caster. If the spell takes several more days to complete, have faith in the process. Focus on your goal. Think positive. Allow the love spell to work for you. Your mindset should be directed at love and it can be directed on one person or on a type of person you are interested in.

Remember the “faith” part of magic. You need to really believe in the spell and in the practitioner’s ability to make the spell work. You have a degree of personal power that can push the spell into completion. Use it! By thinking positive.

The failure of your own trust in yourself, your results and the love spell is why some spells fail.