Marriage Spell


You have managed to find your true love and want that special someone to invite you into a blissful marriage. You want to use the Marriage Spell to enlist the help of the universe and positive energies to bring him or her to their knees in proposition of marriage. Or perhaps you are feeling the pressures of family and society and have determined that your current partner is worthy of a lifelong bond. This is the spell for you.



Sometimes you may feel that if you keep hinting and asking them to propose to you that they will get fed up and leave the relationship once and for all. You may feel that you do not want to ‘rock the boat’ and that this may cause you to end up alone. The marriage spell will get rid of these negative energies and replace them with the powerful positive ones and will ensure that your loved one will finally give you the proposal of marriage that you have wanted for so long.

What a Marriage Spell can do for You

Allow yourself the luxury of imagining wedding bliss: a gorgeous day with the perfect dress, elegant flowers, and all your friends and family celebrating the first day of a marriage to the person of your dreams. Now all you need is the proposal. You no longer have to wait or drop hints about spending your lives together. The Marriage Spell is designed to facilitate this process and create those magical moments without the worry and hassle of waiting.

When you’ve met a person you want to spend the rest of your life with, why wait another moment?  Though you might be nervous about getting a marriage proposal, you don’t want to wait to have this person be a part of the rest of your life.  With my love ritual, you will be able to receive the question you want to hear from the person you love and say ‘I do’.

Will You Marry Me?

Love is in the air for you right now, isn’t it?  That feeling of love is one that can overtake everyone in its path, helping to pull people into committed relationships that can last a lifetime.  And while marriage is one of the most common paths a relationship takes eventually, that does not mean marriage proposals are easy.  You’re nervous, they’re nervous, and you both aren’t sure what’s going to happen.

With a marriage spell, you can begin to connect to the love you and your partner share.  In doing so, you will begin to change the way you not only approach your relationship but how you look at the future. If you’re a person who tends to avoid looking into the future, you need some love magic to help you.  Great loves like yours shouldn’t just end or fade away. And with a marriage proposal, they don’t have to.

You can use this spell with new partners or with partners you have been with for years.  If the time is finally right, a marriage spell may be just the push and the boost you need to get your love to the ‘chapel’ on time.

How You Can Use a Marriage Spell

All my love spells are not designed to interfere with free will, just influence the universe to allow positive thoughts and energy to flow into you, your partner, and your relationship. This is about love and the protection of your love and the fulfillment of your dreams!

There are other uses for the Marriage Spell as well. Perhaps you have not yet found the man or woman of your dreams but still fantasize about marriage, weddings, and a beautiful family of your own. Consider combining it with the True Love Spell to bring your soul mate into your life. Once you have found your life partner, the Marriage spell will work to initiate the marriage and then protects it for eternity with the Eternal Commitment Spell element.

Please keep in mind that all my love spells are 100% customized to your specific situation and will address all your love and relationship problems with one single love spell. Please select the proper strengths level for your situation or contact me for a Case Analysis, and I will recommend the strength level that is best suited for your situation.


Order Information

Please keep in mind that all of my rituals are 100% customized and personalized to your specific situation and will address all of your love and relationship problems with one single love spell.

All spells require specific case information as well as your biological materials. Also, all spells come with a super-charged talisman (included in price) that will be mailed to you after the completion of the spell work. After you have placed your order, you will need to submit the details of your case and send your required biological materials to me. What is needed for your spell depends on the strength level you have ordered.

Which information and biological materials are needed?

How to order the spell?

You can either place your order right here on this page by clicking the “Add to Cart” button above, or you can order your selected strength level from the Strength Level Page. For the spell work, it does not matter which way you order it since all spells are 100% customized and personalized to your situation.

Additional Information

My website offers an extensive amount of information, and everything is explained in detail. If you are unsure about something, please familiarize yourself with my How to Order page and also my Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me for a Spell Recommendation and Spell Analysis.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 0.01 in
Select Strength Level

Power Ritual Combo $400, Amun Ra Ritual $690, Cleopatra Spell $900