
first I would like to ask ED from the UK something. I think what you say is absolutely right, so are you encouraging us to let Aisha help us or not? Because if you let nature take its course totally alone then we should all not be here. If you never take initiative in your life for nothing, life will pass you by and you will always have the feeling you have no control over your fate. But you do! God gave us a brain to think. What I agree with is, since sometimes certain things or situations need help of outside forces to get fixed we should all be here with love in our heart and not just let spells be cast on a selfish based emotions. That is why Aisha asks us to be very sure what we want. Everybody should take some time off every day to listen to the inner voice, it will tell us what we want and what we need.

For my part I feel very positive energy every time I visit this website.

I will let Aisha help me with a Power Ritual Combo since my situation is very complicated. I will keep you posted!

Blessing to all of you. 🙂

Gisi, Germany

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