I fell in love with a woman who was an intimate friend. She was the only person whom I can tell anything to and be myself. I told her that I was in love with her, and she cut ties with me because she was in a serious relationship. Her boyfriend however was a substance abuser and I knew she deserved better because she is a wonderful person. I was heartbroken. I don’t know what made me decide to search for “love spells” but I found this site and I am very grateful! Ms. Aisha and Miriam have been very helpful and understanding. I haven’t got all of my results yet. But the woman I love broke up with her boyfriend and she told a friend of mine that she isn’t angry with me and would like to be friends again in time. She has not contacted me yet, but I am very hopeful. I love that girl with all of my heart.

Heartbroken but Hopeful, Canada