Hello again

I just wanted to tell you that I have started seeing results, my friend told me that the guy in question has started asking questions about me and has invited them to bring me along to a party next week at his college, I am so excited about it, also it is so great as it will be a big venue and I can hide a little if I need to.

My shyness is not causing me as many problems as it has done in the past. I am able to look people in the eyes now when I talk with them. I cannot express how big and wonderful a thing that is for me to do. I have not been out very much and am looking forward to a new place and great company who I feel very safe in.

Thank you for everything. My life is changing and I am now very proud to be me. Its is all thanks to you and your wonderful work. I really am amazed at what can be done in terms of helping anyone, I never thought I would be cured. Thank you Aisha for your great kindness

Happy Again

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