Hi Aisha,

I have finally ordered an Amun Ra spell and sent my material through to you earlier on this week – you should get it

Today I have found other sites that you mention in spell scam, and I have actually been reading some of their sites.

I am sometimes confused on who’s telling what, but one thing I know, I get attached to this site. I really do.

Somehow I get really attached to this site and I look at this site in my spare times reading over the same things over and over again – and I never get bored….and when they talk about connection, there are just no other spellcaster I get connected with at this stage..except for of course, Aisha

I really don’t know why but I seriously have trust in you. (Ok, I have got about 5% skepticism about things as anyone would know, after all the first spell you cast for me, I broke it by lighting my candle on thursday)…

S., Aust