Hi Aisha,

I just needed to tell you how much I really appreciate your gifts. I wanted to follow-up with a note because you don’t know how much you changed my life!

I found your website by pure luck, and it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. My husband was going through some terrible times, and it was affecting our relationship.

I owe it all to you, Aisha, for giving me the peace and the passion to change this situation for the better. My husband still does not know I contacted you or that I used the love spell and talisman that you sent, because all I needed was fulfilled by you, and he doesn’t need to know.

His self-esteem was at an all-time-low, and he probably wouldn’t understand. But I do, and I appreciate you being there for me when my love relationship with this wonderful man I married was suffering. He was truly in pain, and your kindness and caring really came through. Plus your magic, too!

I am indebted to you, dearest Ms. Aisha!


Miranda, Canada