Hi to all who are in emotional pain right now, reading this website. What I have been through over the past few months is hard to describe in words. I have now decided to try the spiritual path offered by Aisha to solve my problems, … and I am currently waiting for her feedback and for results. I believe in these powers, yet I believe that they only work if together with our own intention and belief, and our ability to banish doubts, .. and we all know how hard it is when time goes by and there is not a sign in sight. But I believe, and I am filled with hope and faith, and reading this site and the many positive entries is the only thing that keeps me going right now, so please keep writing about your positive experiences. It is so encouraging to those who are in the “black space” where the pain in the heart and the loneliness is so bad, its almost unbearable. Thank you all, and I will report to you, how my experience unfolded. Much faith, courage, and hope to you all, may all with a broken heart find joy and happiness again, with the one they love,… or the one that is truly meant for them.
Faith, Europe