One thing I have discovered is that if you really want something, then the irony is that you actually repel it. For example, you sometimes need to let love go in order for it to come back or alternatively find a better love that will ensure your spiritual growth. Nothing happens in nature without something better replacing it. If you stop hanging onto to something or someone you love; it doesn’t mean that you don’t love or care for that thing/person; on the contrary it shows that you respect it/them and therefore you allow space for yourself to grow and let better things into your life or even the thing/person that you once let go because you were able to see the ‘the bigger picture’. By sending out love to those who have hurt you emotionally, you are empowering both yourself and the other person and you will find that your love you sent out and multiplied and returned to you. I have found that just by sending loving thoughts to people that you increase their desire to send loving thoughts back to you. The key message is however to let go of any negative emotions you have by imagining yourself sending them love. By doing this, you are expressing self-love which in turn will create space for others to love you too. Thanks for reading my entry.

Love Ed UK

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