To Aisha, Thanks again for all you have done ? To all you wonderful people out there my heart go’s out to you as I have had a similar situation? I was lucky enough to have stumbled on Aisha’s site first about +/- five six years ago and I never had to waste money on so called scams. I am married and had lots of complications with quite a few different people? I have had quite a few spells done for me for marriage and money and they all worked ! I just had another spell done P.R.C. Dec 2008 for my marriage and two days before the fetish arrived my husband phoned! My fetish arrived 31 Dec 2008 and I burned my candle! My husband took me to lunch 1 Jan 2009 and we got together. Thanks Aisha You’ve done it again and may you be blessed ! I would also like to add that in the beginning my spells took longer as i was very negative and had no idea how spells worked ? Be positive and visualize exactly what you want as every thing I visualized in this last spell the night before happened the next day ? Bless all you broken hearted !

T., Somewhere in Africa