The Fifth Dynasty of ancient Egypt revered god Re as the ultimate deity of par excellence. He was the sun god of Honnu or the Heloplis. Some learned Egyptians even referred to Re as the creator of men and they called themselves as the “Cattle of Re”. In his early...
He is the chief god and the guardian of the great city of Memphis. He is the creator god, who created people by just thinking of them with his own mind and uttering their names with his own tongue. He is also an intellectual god with an extremely sharp brain and...
A daughter to Shu and Tefnut and the wife of Geb, Nut always represented the earth as her favorite theme. She was also the goddess of the day and a place in the sky where the rain bearing clouds formed. However, with the advent of middle Ages, she started representing...
An important goddess of Egyptian civilization, entire Egyptian culture adored Mut as the “mother” of all pharaohs. In her earlier avatar, she was the female counterpart of Nun. While in the great city of Thebes, she replaced Amaunet to become the wife of the great...
A highly powerful god, Min could bestow and make men more virile, potent and sexually active. He was also the ultimate power of nature; by birth, he was a god of incessant rain. The presiding pharaoh created a special festival for him called Min festival; the great...
Great son to Amun Ra and Mut, Khonsu is the great moon god of Egypt. The word Khonsu means “to travel” or “to run”; Khonsu had a head of hawk with a lunar disk covering the head. In other images, he looks very youthful with a pronounced set of side locks. A primitive...
Also known as Khnemu, he is the oldest gods of Egypt. He was the ram-headed man with a symbol of flat shaped ram horn. He also wore a whitish colored crown over his head. Originally, a water god of the River Nile, Khnum wore a water jug with water overflowing over his...
Also known as Tem, Temu, Tum or Atem. Being one of the most important and oldest gods of ancient Egypt, Atum was the essential part of the Egyptian cosmology. In fact, Atum was the god of earth and he became a close associate of the Sun god Re; interestingly, he...
Aten or Aton is a great disk of the sun in the early Egyptian myth; he also signified the influence of the god Re. He was the principal deity of the great pharaoh, Amenhotep IV, who eventually took the name of Akhenaten. God Aten also symbolized the life and energy of...
In early Egyptian civilization, Apis was the bull deity of the Memphis region. Kaiechos of the Second Dynasty must have initiated bull worship. He is also the deity, who renewed the life of Egyptians. Soon after his death, he became Osarapis, a great reincarnation of...