Love is what everyone wants and needs in their life. Whether you want to love a man or a woman, the truth is that all want to find that special someone that makes the world brighter. Some call this perfect person their soul mate, their perfect partner in life. While...
Voodoo, often shrouded in mysteries and myths, is a spiritual practice with deep roots in the West African culture that has spread across the globe. A central aspect of this practice are the Voodoo love spells, powerful rituals aimed at influencing and shaping...
When you think of witchcraft, you may have a certain image in your mind. There is not just one type of witchcraft, including those who practice Wicca. Most witchcraft you’ll see however is very positively oriented and it can be said that all witchcraft believes in...
Falling in love is a powerful emotion and can change your life for the better in so many ways, but if that love isn’t returned or is going through a rough patch it can be devastating. White magic spells are one very positive way to influence those around you and...
One of the most common question I receive is in regards to the threefold law. Egyptian magic is powerful magic. Not only can it help you find the love you want in your life, but you can also keep that lover in your life with these magic spells. What you might worry...
Ramses was a powerful leader in the time of ancient Egypt. And it can be difficult to identify Ramses as there were many people who took on the name as they ascended to the throne. In fact, nine other pharaohs took on the name of Ramses after one such man came to...
He is the ultimate god of entire ancient Egypt; many of the Egyptians considered him as the God of Kings and King of Gods! He is the oldest and the most worshipped ruler of ancient Egypt. Amun Ra simply means: Hidden Light (Amun = Hidden/ Ra = Light) Recent research...
While Cleopatra was the ruler of Egypt, she realized that her people wanted to deify her – and with good reason. She became known as the last Queen, and the last protector of her people. To help her connect with her people, she took on many of the powers of Isis,...
Isis is the most famous god of entire Egypt and she was the sister of Osiris, Nepthys and Seth, and the proud daughter of Nut and Geb. She was also the affectionate mother of Horus, the famed child! Symbolized as the woman, she is wearing vulture-like headdress and a...
Once you’ve had someone else cast a spell for you, you don’t have do anything, right? Not so. Once the magic spell has been released into the world, there is a lot you can do in order to ensure its success. While the spell itself will be working its own magic, you...