Hello everyone,

I am just writting to say that i am very very confident that Aisha, Being the amazing woman that she is, will deliver her promise to help us all.

I finally plucked up the courage to ask for Aisha’s help, although i felt very nervous about sending biological material, i felt in my heart there was a reason why i had come across Aisha’s site- and this can not of been an accident…

Aisha wrote to me a few days ago informing me that things are looking well and should soon be complete, i had sent my package on the 15th of April and Aisha has told me good news that her work is almost complete.

i have good faith in Aisha, its been a very emotional journey so far, because i never knew that someone like Aisha, who is so kind and caring would ever come to exist. i have felt her energies already even though i am not yet in possession of my Talisman. i have been feeling so full of energy and life, my life is already changing before my eyes… that’s right Aisha… you are so special…

I dont really want to give away too much or say too much but i do want anyone who is blessed to come across this site, to know that Aisha is real and she is a very powerful and dedicated woman, i can just feel it…

I have also read forums and lots of negative things about Aisha, which somehow really hurt me…i just felt so much pain when i read them, its not because i believe them and think that iv lost my money… its because Aisha has grown on me…i feel like somehow she is apart of me…i could not bare to hear bad mouthing about my own people and loved ones let alone someone who has now become so dear to me and shown me loyalty and trust at such great distance…

DONT be put off by negative things being said, instead read Aisha’s Blog, its fantastic, i smiled at Aisha’s come backs…and Aisha i am really sorry you had to go through all that, if you wanted to, you could of washed your hands and closed down your site and refuse to help people for your own reasons…but instead you stayed strong and you established that you were genuine and you dealt with it like a very good and honourable woman and till this very day you are still helping us through our problems and doubts..

I am really looking forward to recieveing my Talismaan. i hope you and your daughters are well.

i did tell you in my email recently i would write in your Guest book and i did attempt to do so but unfortunately refreshed the page-and lost it- silly me!

but anyway its not difficult to rewrite and rephrase because everything i say is from my heart. i have tried to keep positive and i wont lie but for the past 3 days i was very low and upset for some reason but then i realised, i cant just sit on my bum and expect everything to come naturally. yes Aisha can perform magic but i believe her spells will help us for the better good and become apart of our lifestyle ,therefore we need to take advantage of the good energy around us and make the effort using our physical abilities and the rest will come naturally… for example iv asked Aisha to help me find motivation to exercise,baring in mind i don’t have my talisman yet, but i am sure the ritual has already taken place…and already ,i have made the effort to go to the gym and i am amazed at how energetic i am, and how good i look in such little time…

with all repsect to you and your profound work…my motto is…

‘magic is up in the air for those who believe, and you must reach for it , grasp it in the palm of your hand and let its wonders work to inspire you…’ (c) kay

i hope you all like that…

Best wishes and i hope we all find what we are looking for.

Aisha you are the true definition of Beauty

thanks for being here for me,and if all goes well i hope we can meet someday x

Kay, London